There should be an option to disable new "Decal" customizations in-battle


As i have mentioned it way back before, Im pretty worried about the decal system.

Yeah giving diversity and customization is good. but sometimes those could break immesions to the game.

Like the photo above, from war thunder, breaks immersion hard and is even kinda disgusting.

I think there needs to be an option to show decals or not in-game, since they can break immersion some times.


i dont think it will be like wt, imo they will inculde just numbers or histrocial accurate symbols that cant be changed in shape or dimension.

I hope so. but there still is a possibility Devs adding those strange “Flags” and things so…


I’d like some fixed setting of appearance
Like OMSI.

Game provided lots of preset of appearance.

Also it provide customized vehicle number to differs from others.

IL2 BoS also has similar functions

Only provide preset appearance to select.

There’s so many ways of customization not to result in WT’s chaos.
Just dont let players “paint”, use presets!

Yeah, those would be lovely, like giving presets where to place Balkenkreuz, Division insignias and Numbers etc. I also think those would be better, but will it be possible?

I think preset appearance is much more easy to achieve than painting. Most older games only have preset and customized .dds. Only newer games allow players to paint and put decals wherever they want.
Sync preset appearance only need some file names. But custom painting needs lots of data to synchronize.

Only to let the preset, Open user skins and bringing them to market like warthunder would be much more better i think.

Bring Option: Showing Decals from other Players: ON OFf

Same Thing with the Platoon Pictures on Soldiers Arm.

Why they just give Players nothing that makes Fun, WITHOUT MONEY!

Aaaah because F2P and some Decals would be OP.