There should be a 10 minute Early Leave Penalty

You premium players have no shame.

I am very disappointed in you, sir. You had a W suggestion thread filled with answers to the White Phosphorus issue; then you come here attempting to force every player to play for lower XP when they get farmed. Shame.

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They ain’t all gonna be winners.

Though if you look in the suggestions thread people are discussing the issue of lobby shopping a lot more now and the issue of having people DC’ing before games even start.

Like all the American Tier V matches I get stopped in due to a lack of teammates, sure.

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I’m waiting for that Pershing update before I even touch BR III again. I think this suggestion focused a lot on the idea that DF plans on locking games that are halfway done, thus a solution like this is more necessary. But I don’t think that was well articulated.

That won’t change the fact that there will be stacked teams causing players to get farmed while getting punished for losing by getting xp boosters taken from them. The devs created the game to be like this so people would buy more xp boosters and premium.


I think the Pershing will change things. Rn a huge problem is people, like me, refuse to make BR 3 or higher lineups until we have an answer to the grey zone campers on the ground.

Then there’ll be a number of people who come to the Allie’s side just to play the new equipment.

There is a lot to fix problem is the focusing on match numbers over all else cause they are getting bad numbers on player base in matches. Quitting is contributing to low pop numbers and the loses of choice is half the issue. what is needed is one bring back the campaign selection for match making second give a que for what game type you want more choices bring in players less drives them out.

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It won’t change how the game is designed to be. There will never be an equal amount of player bases in factions. Do you know why? It is because the game is designed to beat down on the weak, forcing the weak to buy xp boosters and premium squads. Your suggestion of penalizing people for not wanting to be farmed ultimately reinforces this philosophy, whether you intend it to or not.

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it only got that way after merge it was not as bad when the campaigns where in place.

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Maybe people just want to help DF achieve their unintended goal lmao


Well that’s just not true. Prior to the merge the campaign system had axis players split 5 ways. Allies were split 3 ways, Russians 3 and Japan was alone. The game wasn’t designed to beat down on the weak you just had one side with a lot more players thrown into it.

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i will legit stop playing (or at the very least play a lot less) if i got penalized for deserting.
as it is i am playing enlisted happily enough because if i got a super shitty match where it feels like i’m alone with bots or sub-bots player, i can just leave.
if i am punished for doing that i rather just turn off my internet, get disconnected, and play holocure instead.

you can already do that, via landing your plane. it’s a fucking challenge even on the flattest of terrain though, and basically impossible if there’s a lot of hills and bumpy plains.

so true, the biggest issue i noticed from enlisted is the horrific player spread where the (seemingly small) playerbase are spread thin. and now after the merge, i noticed that a lot of these players (who are in the game before the bots are added in 5 second before match actually start) are… stupid.

there’s no nicer way to put it, they’re stupid. they’re as stupid as bots sometimes more, and they don’t have the excuse of being a bot.

so if before i desert because i don’t want a 2V10 match, now i desert because i’ don’t want a 10V10 match where most of my team are dumber than bots. let the other dumbasses have fun being mowed down as they roleplay as bots and sometimes bots in vehicles, i just don’t want to stick around.

do note that i stick around when as a BR3 allies i got stuck into a very sweaty normandy city match, i stick trough it to the bitter phyyric victory. why? because despite being super sweaty fighting assault rifles bozo with only M1 carbine and BA rifles, it’s fun. it felt great fighting against and alongside players who act like humans.

i quickly downgrade my BR to 2 afterward because my heart can’t handle too much of that, but that was actually one of the most fun if tiring match i had.

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If you played Berlin before the merge, then you would know that everyone stacked the Axis there to farm whoever was there, the majority of whom were newbies. I saw some come on this forum to complain about the Axis being OP, to which I then explained to them about the Berlin Allies stacking up until the Sweat lords maxed the Soviets. I was one of the ones teamstacking in Berlin as well.

You then have Tunisia, where extreme team stacking would be switched around after long periods. First was the Allies, second was the Axis, third was the Allies again (this was the longest in terms of time), and then the Axis when the flamethrower paras were added to Tunisia.

Players are encouraged to play on winning teams/factions through xp rewarded by winning. They are discouraged from playing on losing teams/factions by having XP bonuses taken away from them. Players are team stacking to this day (me) just to scrape by without precious premiums. A loss is detrimental in terms of time and xp gain if you have not earned 4,500 xp. This is especially encouraged with level-locking items. See below for example:

Not only do they prevent me from getting an STG 44, but they do it even after I already have a form of it with basically the same stats.

Now, the only way to unlock all the previous guns in the quickest amount of time would be to pick winning battles and pick tiers that I know the Axis are stomping in. A single loss can’t be afforded, especially if I don’t have a high enough score. So that leaves me with three options:

Continue being farmed and get lower xp, quit and join another match, or buy premium.