There are two more bugs

A floating bag

In some cases, the bag on the soldier’s body will float in mid air after the soldier dies, and the bag will not disappear until the body disappears. Please repair it.

Missing sound of running footsteps

The sound of footsteps emitted during running is frequently missing, which is a very frequent situation that occurs every short period of time during continuous running. Please repair it.

Every time there is an update, many new bugs appear, and the old bugs seem to never be fixed (yes, referring to the gun grenade bug), which raises doubts about the work ability of official personnel.


Please report your bugs to the Report page. Your suggestion will be ignored and closed.

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You can think of it as a downgrade (along with trigger grenades)
Because these things can blow all infantry to pieces very equally.
To reduce the chance of those poor fries getting fried to smithereens
The official had no choice but to create such a not-so-good hiding mechanism

It is recommended to use 50MM grenade and anti-tank grenade rifle to solve this problem