The way I see bipods

passive mounting

now I don’t see a reason why mounting with a key has to be a thing, when you aim through an obstacle your vision adapts to its surface, when you’re aiming through the sandbag your arms are resting over it anyway, same goes for the ground when prone. This is just right in my opinion and fits enlisted perfectly. Bonus for passive mounting should be exactly the way it is now when mounted. including ground level.


now bipods can be deployed if there’s any on your weapon, you approach a surface and hit B, there’s quick animation deploying bipods maybe 1 sec or 2 and bang, you’re mounted with bipods, now, bipods in my mind should make you literal mg nest and it shouldn’t detach you when looking around, basically just like mg nest works.
When you hit B again or move there’s quick animation of putting bipods back, it can be done on the move though, so you’re not immobile.

and for the love of god get rid of the dispersion bug


I can see them releasing game on Steam with 1.0 version and still have this dreaful bug that going to make me always associate bipoding with awful dispersion no matter the game. Why can’t they fix it it’s been over 2 years, if it’s so hard to fix then why not hire some more QA testers for a year to iron out those bugs? Current QA and Testers are not sufficient enough, and if it’s still broken with official launch oh boy i see no hope for the future of this game.


One of my mates wanted to revist Insurgency Sandstorm on the weekend for some Hardcore action.

The bipod experience was just sooo satisfying after months of enlised lol…(or no bipod experience :stuck_out_tongue: )


myself recently I’ve been playing Rising Storm 2 and I often forget that the bipods are actually useful in the game and you can also decide to deploy them or not, which is pretty nice wonder if Enlisted will ever have a system like that


I disagree with passive mounting, I prefer manually deploying the bipod.

I agree bipods are a little janky but I will say that I bipod with MGs very often and perform well, if you get it in just the right spot

I’d say all they need to do is fix the “jank” when say you bipod but can’t move up or down. When you bipod you should be like a little turret and have decent traversal


Shinzo abe its over
Don’t we all

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It can be even easier lol


I didnt play that one, but watching a bit of the video, it looked pretty much the same?? (looked good. Aparantly HnG got great bipods too after I stopped playing)


Last week I wanted to play with lmg in a ww2 game. So of course I launched BFV and later HLL.


Remove dispersion 100% from deployed MGs and this alone would fix most of the problems.

Tho, if tank MGs and mg emplacements are allowed to be pinpoint accurate, why shouldn’t lmgs?


Since you mentioned this, we should be glad they do not have 1m wide circle dispersion similar to like when you shoots with your personal weapon while moving in tank.


Tank MGs are very overnerfed.
They have huge dispersion, low damage, low turning speed and overheat quite fast. At this point it’s better to use commander’s smg as at least it’s agile.

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That’s just balance, because Enlisted is infantry game.


Yeah so stupid this was added, mp40 out of the commanders cupola was pretty fun, I can understand that they got rid of Assault Rifles for tankers, but not being able to hit past 10 meters while even slowly on the move is kinda stupid.

If you played RO2, then you know.