The team members must be weakened

Team members have better communication and a great advantage in battles. Compared to individual players, they can cover each other, which is unfair

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Have you ever encountered those IDs that often appear together? These guys are more likely to win, which is unfair to independent players

so what even is your suggestion? you just said they are unfair


i guess your suggestion is friend shouldnt be able to use voice chat is that correct? (obviously this is what i interpret from this guy so duh)

They could still use discord which many already do

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Literally cope, games that are multiplayer are meant to play with friends.
Ask for proximity chat for whole team or shush.


Strict separated queues for groups and solo players would be the best solution.

But once again.
The developers stand by their opinion that AI players are an incredible problem in a game where most soldiers are bots anyway.
Not to mention that hůře number of players can’t even tell the difference between casuals and AI players.

So don’t expect the 4 stacks farmers are going to be ever addressed.

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