It’s so bad that people who purchased premium tank squads should legitimately have the option for a refund because the product does not perform as it should. This isn’t specific to any one type of tank, though some are clearly worse than others.
For instance, the Panther frequently fails to pen the upper front plate of a T-34, and can’t pen the turret cheeks. This is just absurd. As a 10 year War Thunder player, when I purchased the Panther premium to grind Berlin, I expected it to penetrate the T-34 and IS tanks as it should, given that enlisted attempted to implement WT’s damage models. At the same time, T-34s have a hard time penetrating the in places where they easily should in this game. It’s just a battle of RNG and BS. The T-50 is another great example of a tank that is immune to things that should easily penetrate it.
Post-pen shrapnel is completely absent. Every round in this game performs like it is APCR. Not only is there absolutely no spalling or explosive filler modeled, but almost every AP/APHE round in the game requires multiple hits to ammunition to detonate it.
I’m not even going to go into how terrible the splash damage/shrapnel model is for HE rounds, as I assume the developers intend for it to be that way.
If you can’t get War Thunder’s damage model working semi-decently, just go to hitpoints. Don’t get me wrong, the War Thunder style damage model is one of the main draws of this game, at least for me. In it’s current state, however, calling tank combat “playable” would be generous. Until the developers can fix their implementation of the damage model, the game would be much better off if they went with a simple hitpoint system as seen in games like battlefield.