The T-34 (1942)

Can we get the T-34-76 Model 1942 ether before the KV1. It just had an improved turret for more ammo storage compared to the earlier one but the turret would have less armor than the prior version, it would a faster reload speed and a thicker driver’s hatch cover improved ammunition wail maintaining the same hull and engine of the prior one I am suggestion this due to it being empty between the T34 and KV1 in a folder similar to the Panzer III B


useless br 3 tank
The T34 57 would look much more interesting on the br 3


They would put that in Br 4 before the 85 as they were made as a response to the Tiger tank also that is the 1943 prototype using the improved turret as the main one used the 1941 turret


Because 42 is just another allied tank that can’t play on br higher than its own.
And the t34 57 on the 4m br is more of a joke, it gets penetrated by both br3 and br4.
In this game no factions can’t have a tank that will be relatively versatile on br3?

what the heck are you talking about? I never said anything about not having the T-34-57 and what I am saying about the 1942 tank is it should be in a folder with the 1941 version and It could still fight the Panzer IVs of the tier 4 as well

No, he will go to feed br 4-5. pz4h useless

Can we have anything else than T-34? Its not as ridiculous as the Panzer IVs but it’s pointless to fill up progression tree with the same barely any better tanks.


No - because it’s what hte Soviets used… quite a lot! :slight_smile:

But he 1942 version doesn’t really have anything better like the OP says - hatches for hte crew instead of that big slab were better “in real life”, and the turret shape was easier to produce as were many other components, but irrelevant for Enlisted.

The “faster reload” is presumably from the WT wiki - but WT reload speeds are a “gamer balance mechanism”, but it does carry quite a lot of extra ammo, and hte flat spots on the turret front are a bit weaker than hte earlier curved turret front.


T 44/T 44 100
Panther F/Panther II
In br 5.
In my opinion a perfect addition to the tank tree of these countries.


Weren’t used, but far more realistic than IS-3 and E100. These would mix well with some alt-reality scenarios/maps.

They balance well, it’s better than introducing the Jagdtigr vs isu 152

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Half a minute long reload damn it, can’t wait😝

T-34-57 would be a poor choice to field in enlisted. The 57mm gun would have a rubbish HE round if any of the early Soviet tanks with 45mm guns are to go by.
The T-34-76 (1942) would be ok though.

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It would be a good premium tier 2 tank, instead the 76 would be perfect for an event veichle

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I wouldn’t use it, there is nothing favourable about it, and you have either the T-34-76 (1941) or the STZ to chose from. The Soviets trialed it because the ammo was cheaper, but found it was rubbish and got rid of it.
Its basically a WT meme tank that over performs with an overbuffed gun just so that it can operate at the BR they stuck it in.
If the Soviets trashed it, it was bad !

Adding equipment in some way to let people use it is always good, we have a lot of (?) Equipment but still players use them for have fun

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No arguments on that one, I agree wholeheartedly.

I would have added the KV-85 at BR III instead as a progression from the KV-1 L11


Except for the armor piercing in 140
that is why it is unwise to use allied 3br tanks

That’s an asspluck number for gameisms sake. That round never performed well. As I said there is a reason the Soviets trashed it.

Yes, this is the absence of heavy tanks from the Germans in 41