The strongest semi-automatic rifle in the game?

Me and a few mates all have full squads of fg-42’s/mg42’s and i’ll tell you it’s a huge problem, and will be even more of a problem once more people unlock it. It honestly feels like cheating to be able to mow down entire squads as quickly as those weapons allow, and it’s entirely broken game balance, even with the ammo nerf which made it a lot better it’s still an amazing weapon compared to almost any other semi because it has a far lower recoil rate while maintaining the same damage - while having twice the magazine capacity of most alternatives.

I don’t think we’ve lost a game since we got out fg-42 squads, while playing as a group of 3+, and that’s over like 50+ games. Most of them we end up camping the enemy teams spawn because we can chew through their squads so easily we can push them back, kill spawn points and hold them in their base. Hell one game I built a spawnpoint 20m from the edge of the map on their spawn side and it stayed up for most of the game, and another we were suicide rushing into the enemy spawn with grenades primed :p.

Yeah - but thats 2 weapons to be better than it at everything… which makes it the best weapon overall.

Hey Joseph, I dare you to play as the Germans in the Berlin campaign for 2 days or 6 hours.

Lets make it a, double dog dare.

Hey SPS - I don’t give a rotund rodent’s rectum what you dare me to do, nor your dog’s rectum either :slight_smile:


That’s the spirit! :kissing_heart: