The SQUAD CAROUSEL changes, are very negative to the game

You only answer nonononono

In fact their changes don’t change the part about the meta that you’ve stated. You still just turned 3 submachine gun squads into 2 submachine gun squads + 1 couple of light machine gun squads.

He doesn’t change the meta aspect of the game.

After compromising the possibilities of combinations, the game remains boring.

I hope they keep the combination and add other flexible rules as mentioned above


if you can’t read past the no no.

i’m not sure what to tell you.

execept i’d argue it does somewhat change it.

idk about you,

but i really like to avoid fighting the same dude who only spams flamethrower 3 times in a row.
( which, granted, it will still happen at higher tier. but way, way less than it was possible in the short test of the merge. because not everyone has tunisia flamethrower squads. )

presets do offer you combinations.

if you refuse to use them, that’s another discourse.

Tommy… do you like so much spam assault rifle on enginer? Because outside that nothing is changed at all, the two squad restrictions barely do something in all tier Because WEN you can spam 3 assaulter you have selective fire who are thousand time better than any assaulter weapon who can be used on all soldier

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Yes there are no changes to the game itself, as I have stated, after imposing these significant measures.

It basically just prohibits player combinations, rather than changing the existing experience of the game.

This is exactly how every campaign currently works, including the premium squad portion.

Did you not read what I said, or did I express it unclearly?

Why are you always nonono



I remember in the beginning it was just about the squad, not the infantry members. This is not without a solution of course, and I’ve read other posts suggesting similar ways to compensate.

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Who care



pohibiting the same spammed loadout over and over does affect the experience of the game.

but i’m starting to pick up a signal of you not liking that they haven’t changed anything else.

hence, you don’t like it.

i did. and you refused to aknowledge it. or even read it for that matter.

i did gaved you my motives. :woman_shrugging:

Spam has not changed. Don’t you understand?


it has significantly changed.

because not everyone can afford to take a premium squad to bypass such restriction.

will you be able to take out 3 assaulters or 3 flamethrowers as free to player?


if anyone, you and some others seems to fail to understand that.

granted. with tanks, that might be another story.

You think it changed,

I explain to you why it didn’t, i.e. the 2+1 example, that’s how the current campaign combat works, including the premium tanks example.

And you answered no

What can I recognize about you?

This is how the game works now and it hasn’t changed before or after they implemented this change.

I also object to restrictions being placed on premium squads. As mentioned above.

Even if they intended this as a starting point for limiting spam it would be bad, as described above.

I would prefer variety in combinations and soft rules rather than hard limits that prohibit you from doing things

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Veichle are in the same situation of infantry premium squad, the current premium Veichle for the majority can be killed by an anti-tank rifle what remain are all high BR Veichle

So even someone is so eager to spam 3 tanks in tier 1 it would be only free XP, forward tier are not better because we get rocket luncher already in tier 2

It doesn’t change the meta spam at all so there is no real reason to be salty over not having 3 Assault squads. The meta is automatics, which basically every squad in the game can field absurd amounts of.

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that’s not at all an example.

what are you even trying to imply here.

p.s. nope. that’s not how current campaign works.

some campaigns to have more than 2 classes.

such as for example, rifleman, assaulters, tankers etc.

which doesn’t take you too much to realize that the merge, did what it told it to be.

merge campaigns into one.

and it lead to even worse situations than campaigns.

and as i and many others mentioned both above, and in the main thread, restrictions should be putted in place.

weren’t you the one against this " arcady mess robotic farm repetitive gameplay " ?

and now you want to fuel it?

zee irony.

This is the point I made, I wish more combinations

I would prefer variety in combinations and soft rules rather than hard limits that prohibit you from doing things


and everyone ( or rather, the majority ) else rather have restrictions to not let apes use the same shit over and over.

such as, flamethrowers. assaulters, etc.


I give advice about limits all the time…

and I said it above should use more flexible soft limits instead of solid ones


and we told you, we love those fucking restrictions.

it makes the game much, much healthier.


if free choice should be a thing,

only in customs.

not in the base game.


How the dam now you like to have restrictions again, I remember when I used to loop spam as an example you claimed players could do whatever they wanted in the game.

I have always been against unrestricted fighting, but these restrictions should be soft rather than outright bans

I think the very interesting thing is that now things are being discussed in reverse

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because it’s somewhat of damage control.

in order to reach that point, it’s behind a paywall.

something that not everyone is willing or have the capabilities to do.

hence, such cases will be much more rare.

and fuck, if that doesn’t work, you can guess about my next suggestions / words.

hint hint, it wont have free choice innit.

because i’m no anarchist and i don’t want for this game to burn.

rather, self preservation. or rather, call it common sense.

the same way your so beloved system does not work for everything.

otherwise. devs would have adopted that by quite some time.

since the event was somewhat planned way ahead of the merge it self. ( ish)

actually. not entirely true.

so, i’m all for different routes and what not.

i might suggest you to make a suggestion with your tab score and what not.

helpers might have missed that. and offers you a chance to also provide a counter suggestion based on the problem that you have. after all, you did somewhat implemented it and can somewhat show it’s functionality or effect.

but i highly suggest you to provide some pictures and examples.

rather than sounding emotional af with " nooooo banning players " or stuff like that.

and i wish you luck. you’ll probably need it.