The PPD-34/38 is disgustingly good for the starting SMG

the same reason i dont easy USSR farm, and its a cycle ppl enter, see bad result, quit, lack of player base.

Correct, the PPD-34/38 historically is this way too, which is the entire point of the game, to be faithful to historical accuracy.

But you’re forgetting, PPD 34 spends it’s ammunition VERY quickly, and from encountering german SMGs they get a lot more time on the trigger than the PPD does, which can be used to great advantage. I can’t shoot with my PPD if I am reloading.

In any event, what is your solution? Should we slow the PPD down and break it like they did with the PPSh In CoD WWII?
Should we nerf it’s stopping power until you might as well be shooting an airsoft gun?
Should we make it’s accuracy so ridiculous that it’s a complete nightmare to play?

Untrue. During the Battle of Moscow, the Soviets were using anything they could get their hands on. Hence why you see Arisakas and Madsens in the hands of Soviet infantrymen, which to me seems silly. But it happened, and that’s why they’re in there.

Realistically, I should be allowed to throw masonry and bricks at you too, as a Soviet.

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People always say Moscow is the most balanced, after I went there and personaly maxed out i dont think so.

As the soviet you got t50, avs36, all kinda cool smgs and DP( way better than bar compare to mg34), hell even the PTRS is such a fun weapen to use, overall a fun experience. As the germans you got maybe pz4, same old mg34 and mkb sniper (which is not as OP as mp43 due to squad size and availability); Plus you have to be pretty much end of the line to get these equipment.

Basically its almost like the Berlin soviets but the german got way worse.


Does the MP-28 not get a fire rate bump when you upgrade it?

After spend some time and almost maxed out all 4 current campaigns, I gotta say not a single one is balanced atm to a point I just dont care anymore lol.

Half of the game I played rn are just farming bots and console players so it really doesnt matter what equipment are you using; Hope the new update will bring more leveled up players back and we can then discuss how each faction plays out.

*cries in Vg.2, MP 3008 and Pz. IV being oneshotted by 85mm D5T

Yes, it is rising. Up to maxim 550, but there is only a nuance. In the game, the basic ttx of weapons are taken, and an additional “improvement” is imposed on them in the rate of fire, damage, recharge, and scatter.
And now look at the trick, using the example of sten. Its historical rate of fire, 500-550 shots, we impose “improvements” and … 580-630 in the end! We get an “improved” version, higher than the ttx of the original pp. But mp 28 does not get a damn thing. in the game, its tempo is 440-480 (historical 550 is missing in the initial version) and with maximum improvement… 500-550! We got those ttx that should be originally in this weapon! And it turns out that we were deceived!
Your enemy goes beyond the scope of history, turning his weapon into a formidable means of destruction, and you just get spit in the face.

Does anyone in this thread realize that in order to maximize the use of Soviet SMGs especially the drum ones you really need the large ammo pouch which only unlocks at level 18. Not all situations even allow the building ammo boxes especially as attackers either your engineer is still alive and can build one near the fighting or someone else’s engineer builds one which is why I get to build ammo box alongside rally point so my surviving squad members can resupply.

Even with ammo pouches and boxes, the gun is still a bullet hose with its rate of fire.

so Soviet getting best tank from start but german’s get worst tank in the game
so soviet unlocking best close range (ppd) and semi-sniper in level 12 but german getting semi in level 21 is called balance ?

ok in reality differences are small , but they exist .so better player see it and dont play it, leaving early low level players vs Soviet and obviously they get slaughtered and stop playing

PPD38 has flash is so big that they usually block the view for an accurate shot, and recoil doesn’t help either. Those Russian SMG are so scary because they usually get so close for a squad wipe before an open fire. I used that for psychological effect, newbie will get panic and miss their shot while a veteran kills me before I even get close.
German MP40 while not as bullet hose as PPD38 is much more accurate in the longer range. The dev has just buffed their Horizontal recoil. You can kill the cheeky Russian at 30-50m. Under 20m, you better have a grenade, a first accurate shot, and a Me*n Kampf at hand to pray.
The game is balanced in a way that the Russian get an advantage in CQC, the German dominate in long-range open field and CAS.

Okay. On the start of the Open beta I was playing german side. Now playing RKKA. And PPD-34 is fkn good. Comparing to all axis SMG’s (Eastern front and Tunisia) and all Ally SMG’s (Tunisia and Normandy) - starting PPD with stick mag is one of the best. PPD-34\38 with drum mag - total annihilator.

Prior to 7.62X25 cartridge, PPD might be less powerful then 9mm SMG’s (and .45 too) but with less structure penalty (truly incredible penetration). Rate of fire is rate of fire.

Duel PPSh-41 vs MkB-42 - interesting solution, but not brilliant. First - MkB-42 still historically incorrect in late 1941 - early 1942 battle. Second - you can equip more PPSh’s then MkB’s (5 comissars vs 3 recons).

yes. it’s called asymmetrical balance.

never heard of it?

Yea MP28 is not the best. But MP38/40 are unlocked very early and with the new upgrade mechanics in a few days coming it will be even easier to upgrade them.

They are the best in moscow by far, offer good damage and amazing range with a controllable ROF