The new season of the Battle Pass!

what about berlin exactly?

“6 special armored vehicles and aircraft in a unique camouflage”

50% chance one of those is another pz.3 skin

Well, thanks for listening for feedback at least, step by step Erika’s dream may come true one day.


More RMN when? I want gold flamethrower too


Fix the glitched and bugged hats and helmets in the Stalingrad campaign that started after the Pacific update. I payed money for those hats and helmets!

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Panzer IV vs. T 34-85 and the rest of soviet tanks., yeah, you can tell me about historical accuracy, but it’s not fun. Almost untouchable tanks, at least to have vehicle fights. 'cause if you use panzerfaust… Well, that’s a big no-no for almost every tank.

Let’s not even mention Stalingrad, with the OP t-34 and the kv-1

Amount increased x9 times (In russian news).



my fault.

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The bt7 with 75mm and apcbc works bettet than the kv1

Are people using it? No. Because it’s a weak tank, one or two shots with the Panzer III and goodbye. But people choose to use the almighty KV-1 :man_shrugging:t2:

Who wins, idiot with a single 97 round 6.6 dmg smg or skilled player with a full squad of 7.2 dmg MP 40?

It oneshot something kv1 dont do sometime, you can OHK a stug frontally, best tank

I do.

Because it’s fun to use. Still 1 shot kaboom any German tank, I don’t need anything else.

(Min/maxing gets boring fast)

There is nothing to minmax in tank combat in stalingrad, t70 can deal aganaist a pz4f2, german tank are made with cardbord


You’re an exception then. And hey, I’m not blaming anyone, I don’t care which vehicle people should use, I’m just saying that the balance is not balance at the end. And my congratulations to you for using that tank, you’re a person of honor :sunglasses:

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I have played Moscow in those shitty tanks. Then I realized that Stuka was more effective. Ultimately playerbase is the deciding factor. A t-50 like any other tank, only survives if it’s left alone. A good team has it marked and is building AT guns or calling a Stuka to blow it to bits as soon as it attacks. People get turned off of campaigns due to perceived imbalances but all it takes to win is coordination and teamwork.


Poooof, that’s like playing Russian roulette. A good team that has good coordination and good communication? Good luck with that, I can count those teams with only one hand, lol

you do realize that the panzer 4J can cripple it very a shot into the turret same can be done with IS serious of tanks, until the 1944 version of is-2 gets added, and for stalingrad the only tank that is an issue for the panzer 3J is KV-1 with all T-34s being abled to be disabled via a turret shot. however if you want to go down this branch; do think it’s fair for an m5 staurt to fight a tiger 1 and a panther? or how abut the t-34-85 going up against king tiger? maybe you think it’s fair that a t-60 has to fight panzer 3j, j1, 4E, and Fs that it can not pen?

Pz3J can deal with any allied tank in Moscow and is only a 20+ level unlock and crying about Berlin IS-2 when the Germans have King Tigers is funny as fuck.

Man, to destroy a T-34-85 up-front with a Panzer IV-J you need luck, time and a dummy right in front of you. I don’t know if you’ve tried this, but it’s almost impossible, because the t-34 can One shot you as soon as it sees you.

KV-1 is untouchable from the front, also you can’t destroy it with one TNT and you need a perfect placed charge to smoke it. Only way to destroy that monster is from the side with HEAT ammunition (and obviously if you have the FAP :joy:).

And of course it’s not fair at all to see and to be present when a Stuart gets blown up sky high because a Tiger one shot it, but if the freaking devs would add proper matchmaking this wouldn’t happen, but here we are, having this conversation.

Finally, wow, nice Bible i just wrote here… T-60 can easily deflect Panzer III/ IV F1 ammo, trust me you can go and try it. But in the other hand t-60 can destroy one of these guys from the side.

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I smell a lot of wehraboo bullshit and skill issue coming from your direction.

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