The new Enlisted Update destroyed my Map

So i just booted up my custom map I had made and instantly it was broken. The objectives were randomly switched with each other, for example i had one in each corner which are now randomly mixed with each other. Also I had deleted all the Tank, Sandbag and other stuff (its the berlin template) since i made a WW1 Trench Gun Game which cant have random oil storage and T34 wreckages lying around. Now they are all there again inside or on top of Things i had previously placed there. I also had added random artillery strikes which are now completely gone? I dont know what the new update did but it destroyed my map completely and Id have to remake it from scratch if I wanted it to be like before since as I mentioned all the previously deleted objects are now inside of the ones i placed, the pottholes I made are gone and the entire map is roated weirdly. Please help me i dont want to have to spend another 25-30 hours remaking the entire map

It seems original level was changed and that is why your deleted objects now not at old places. It’s better to mass delete objects with scenery_remover entity to delete them in area, not by exact positions. Then place your objects there.


Damn it :frowning:

You used this area?

Maybe for WWI it will be a bit better to use this area?

Anyways… As how Enginya said… You can use scenery_remover entity. But it should be created before then your entities/rendinsts! Else they will too disappears! Easiest way to do it is edit scene.blk file (you can find it in your mod folder and open it using any text editor).
Put this code before your entities/rendinsts:

  transform:m=[[1, 0, 0] [0, 1, 0] [0, 0, 1] [0, 0, 0]]

Save file. After that load your map and move this entity to area that you want to delete. And then scale it or edit scenery_remove__distCoef (but don’t enable scenery_remove__apply).

Harder way, but without editing files.

You need to move all your rendinsts to another area. And then put scenery_remover to area that you want to clean (scale it/edit distCoef) and turn on scenery_remove__apply property. After that need to clone all your rendinsts (Hold [Shift] while use Move tool). Move them to your area and remove old rendinsts.

Another way… You put scenery_remover anywhere, but outside from your area and enable scenery_remove__apply. Clone all your rendinst/entities and then move scenery_remover to area that you want to clean (don’t turn on scenery_remove__apply).