The Melting Steel of Normandy

Even with all it’s flaws… This game was funny. Gonna miss it.


Meanwhile 10 flaks, waiting for paras to drop…


STG? nah its playground for the new german golden card sub-machinegun

The new map looks great! My Fallschirmjäger are ready for duty!

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Immersion :stuck_out_tongue:

also I wouldn’t mind betting they come with some of the following

  • no announcement of coming
  • Beefier Plane
  • no lead indicator
  • Spawns in real close (doesn’t make sense for a reinforcement to take too long to field)
  • maybe spawn protection for the troopers inside so they can bail


Looks different, looking forward to it!

If the map is as good as the Traktor plant of Stalingrad than I am more than hyped for this map. You set the bar high with the Traktor plant but from the looks of it, i will have some great fights there. Looking forward to it!

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This looks great for snipers.
(assuming they can get up there.)

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The thing is, current game mechanism cant fully utilize complex map’s potential.


Don’t you dare give them ideas !

Don’t get me wrong new maps are great, but why do we want another over cluttered Industrial map, that is a nightmare to use vehicles on, and is just another over bult map like the others we already have.

Normandy maps suck imo for the most part because there are all over cluttered cqb battle for the most part.

Why Not add something more open, something like you might find around Caen.


Does this guy ever stop b1$&@!ng. He’s the type who’d whine at his own birthday. We are getting new maps . Yes factory was a bit of a cluster but it was fun, this map looks to have a mix of long sight lines and cqb. I’m pretty sure it’s not the only map we’re getting. And no I don’t care if I didn’t use the right pronouns for you, I could not care less if I offended you.

Or a mounted HMG.

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factory maps will be bad and always will be,I would prefeer any other than that crap,and you can’t change my mind

that’s what I mean,thanks,this is another of the problems I see,oh you are tank player?, okay,your fun it’s screwed,plane player?,awww you are screwed too,pfff

I like Playing Infantry, tanks and Planes, my main point hear is why yet another map like this we already have several Urbanized super cluttered maps, why make more especially for Normandy that is notorious for this kind of map.

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Look like great, the tractor factory was awesome, this should be too

In fact, it would be more interesting to set up a place where it was the countryside and trenches that took place in France or the battle of Okinawa in the Pacific, which would mix urban combat with combat in the jungle.

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Well said.