The maximum limit of the assault squads is unreasonable

Now the maximum limit of assault squads in low level games are 10 assault squads,I don’t think this is a good change, if the developers don’t want the low leval game rooms players playing the game so hard or you want to care those new players,you should set some limit of sniper rifles or you can change the game mechanics,not the assault squads,they can change the assual squads to machine gun squads!It’s the same,if the developers continue changes squads like this,the players in low level games will get less and less

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A lot of people cried for it, so here it is

I for one, am wholeheartedly against these limitations.


Hi! This change is not final, not even fully finished and got on the test accidentally. That’s why it was not mentioned in the patchnote. Devs are still not sure such limitations are needed at all.


Glad to hear something like that!


Indeed!! Good news to hear!

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10? So everyone on the team can have an assault squad? What’s the issue?

I don’t care either way. I run 3 unique squads and a plane

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The idea of limitation on assault squad is terriable enough and you guys even plan to release it in a blitzkrieg?

I run all unique squads as well, but I’ve never thought that any squad needed a limit. Although I don’t typically play on br5 all that much, maybe for br5 the limits could exist? No idea, probably an unpopular opinion

People complained about SMG and Flametrooper spam, so the suggestion was squad limitations

Yeah, but those people were actually like 5% of the whole community.
Yet this is outcome.

WELCOME TO THE TYRANY OF THE VOCAL MINORITY! Where everyone thinks that you are just like someone else just because they opened their dang mouth and you didn’t
I would say I hate vocal minorities, but that sounds wrong so I’m just gonna say I hate idiots who open their mouth too much

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