The map design in the Pacific campaign is atrocious and miserable to play

People find a lot of reasons why the Pacific campaign is so one sided to Japan but have not see anyone point out how bad US have it when it comes to maps, be it defending or attacking.

Some of the maps need major adjustments. Zero cover, zero possibility to traverse the water to the objective and reach it, no way to build rally point close by. Some play areas are so far pushed for the defending team, that you are spawn killed as attacker.

Who came up with the idea that when you defend, your objective is on an island and you have to traverse the water every time to defend without being able to put a rally point on the island. AS A DEFENDER. WHO CAME UP WITH THAT?

It needs serious work and consideration on balance.


Take a look on Traktorenwerk :stuck_out_tongue: 0/10 points for map design :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, there are no things like super fast boats or amphibious cars. :man_shrugging:

That pretty much is happening if team of real players/veterans are playing against team of pure newbies/bots. This happened to me in every campaign, it’s not map problem.

That’s why they are planning to get rid off campaign concepts