The Mannlicher M1895's reload should be fixed. (And also please fix how en bloc rifles work)

The main things that are wrong with the reload of the Mannlicher M1895 in the game are:
You are able to top up the en bloc clip whilst it’s still in the gun. This wouldn’t really work since the clips are loaded from the front, not from the top and you’re supposed to eject the clip instead, just like with the Carcanos and the other Mannlicher in the game:

The clip also doesn’t drop from the bottom either, which it does on all other Mannlicher-Carcano style en blocs in the game.
They on the other hand are, however, not implemented correctly. They’re supposed to drop when the last round is chambered, not when you open the bolt after the last round has been fired, they aren’t like the M1 Garand:

And other examples for good measure:


Improving the gunplay of every gun is a tall ask from devs who would rather copy and paste an AK-style reload animation onto StG-style guns.

Afaik that’s only for the MP 43/1

And it’s not that big of a task, honestly, half the stuff is already there, it just needs some adjustment and application.

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It’s not so much that it’s “only the MP 43/1”

It’s the fact that the StG 44 that succeeded it in the old campaign system corrected the issue, and in all the years since the StG 44 was released, they never retroactively fixed the MP 43’s reload animation.

In short: They recognized the issue, but didn’t do something as basic as copy-pasting the correct animations from a newer gun for years

Thank you for your post.

This is important and side note has actually been very helpful for a film I’m writing which features the Mannlicher M1895 rifle.

I’ve also seen real ones at the Austrian Military Museum in Vienna. Unfortunately they were all stacked (like you line them up and run past grabbing one) so it was difficult to tell different rifles apart. Gun experts would know what was what, different versions and so forth.

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Pretty standard honestly. There are a lot of guns that would benefit from existing newer animations.
Cough FG 42’s Cough