Have you even read what i posted lol? If someone wants the game super fucking eazy its Sheep.
Yeah no I did not read, it was pointless. what I wanted to say is that wanting to be the game to be
Is the reason why all german mains are playing germany.
I am playing both and honestly its just not fair for the Allies. There used to be balancing act that Allies could spawn more planes at the same time than Axis which kinda balanced it a LITTLE bit out, but they removed it ever since, i think they even claimed it was a bug.
Same goes to tanks, some Allied tanks should simply not eat that much slots. Maybe similar approach could be taken with Puma because its also borderline useless but hey.
As i said in previous posts, all those certified “tips” simply dont work when applied to real matches. It doesnt feel like balanced battles, it feels like one side playing Chinese suicide bombers desperately fighting Japanese (at that time and place) superior tanks and technology.
I understand historical accuracy.
But then we have soldiers dropping in with fully loaded drum-magazine thompsons and 100rd vickers LMGs right off the bat. And barring that, the fact paratroopers are dropping in an ongoing operation instead of preceding it. Hell, we paratroopers dropping into tiny islands in the Pacific.
I don’t buy that argument at all. Historical accuracy shouldn’t be selectively applied- Not when we’ve thrown that out of the window a long time ago.
They are unfortunately selective of a lot of things lol. I can only hope that if they give paras as a late tree unlock they update the crates accordingly to give them M9 bazookas (and the other kits having late tree gear). Imagine the crate giving you gear from levels 2 to 8 lol
lol says the guy who’s crying about the allies being too weak to kill an axis tank in the grey zone.
Maybe the axis tanker isn’t interested in leaving the grey zone, because he isn’t interested in having some paratroopers spawn behind him/ontop of him, and insta-killing the vehicle with an explosive pack.
Oh the allies are soooo weak!
-Paratroopers that can spawn anywhere on the map, with 100 round Thompsons.
-Paratroopers that can spawn anywhere on the map, with 100 round Vickers
-M9 bazooka, which can in fact OHK all axis tanks (if you know how to aim).
-Jumbo can OHK a Tiger Tank’s frontal plate, by shooting it’s MG port
-Allied 76mm can OHK a Tiger Tank’s frontal plate, by shooting it’s MG port
-Allies have the A20 with 4x 500 pound bombs
-Allies have the P-51 with 2x 500lb bombs
-Allies have the P-47 with 10 HVAR rockets, and 1x 500 pound bomb
-Piat can OHK the Tiger tank
-Marking targets help your teammates who have the ability/means to deal with axis tanks
But in your mind, none of these are sufficient means to deal with a grey zone camper… the obvious and only solution is to add bigger guns for the allies, and NERF the axis. Completely checks out
I’m not quite sure what you’d do with a bigger gun, being you can’t even efficiently use what’s currently available?
The problem isn’t the weapons/vehicles lol
That one is unreal. It works with a Jumbo and Panther, but not with a Tiger.
I just tested it out, and you’re right. Jumbo can’t pen the Tiger’s MG port.
So the next best strategy is to shoot the big ass barrel and render the Tiger unable to return fire.
For me, when playing with my Jumbo and faced with a head-on engagement… the first shot is always to disable the Tiger’s turret.
Second shot disables one of his tracks.
Third shot disables the other track
And then I wait for the crew to come out for repairs
With the new repair mechanic, the barrel of the tank cannot be repaired without the crewmember exposing himself.
Bang Bang.
Rinse and repeat, and while the tiger is immobilized, I’ll move to a better position if I am able to.
But if not… I’lll just sit and wait for all the axis tank crew to leave the vehicle, or die while trying to repair.
If the player tries to hide behind the tank, repair the tracks, and then retreat… I’ll just shoot the tracks again.
Meanwhile, he can’t return fire until he climbs ontop/infront of his own tank.
Bro just the fact that you are consistently putting out those lists of “advice” and “tips” with fatal errors inside them speaks volume about your game experience and skill, or lather lack of it.
And you seem to be strangely obsessed with the greyzone tank, has it touched you anywhere inappropiate?
At this rate i am honestly starting to think you are disguised wehraboo. And i am probably not wrong lmao.
Nobody listen to this clown and his “advice”, it will mostly get you killed.
Also i love how you are listing “pros” of Allies while also blatantly ignoring that same equivalent Germans have is way, way, way better.
Have you ever held Krieghoff in your hands? I did, i bought the squad. That thing is one of the most broken guns in the game, its stronger than old FG´s before nerf, way stronger.
FG with GL on it? Little bit weaker recoil and total ammo capacity. But you also have “lmao your squad gone” button.
Allied Vickers? Kicks like a mule even while prone, demands broken bipod feature to be used and even with bipod, it still kicks ALOT. CQC? Spray, pray and maybe actually hit half your shots.
Allied Tommy guns? Yeah they are better than Krieghoff in single possible scenario. Where you run into bunker and see 20 bots idling infront of you. Then the 100rnd and average hipfire accuracy gets handy. But every other scenario? Krieghoff blasts that thing out of the water. Not to mention that Krieghoff is faaaaar from being bad or average in CQC itself.
Should i describe to you how does handheld AT Germans have behave for second time? Or do you have some firsthand experience you are willing to share? I bet it would be something secret and genial, like “dodge the Panzerfaust”. Or maybe flank the Panzerfauster
EDIT: I am not gonna bother to debunk rest of your “list” because guy under me pretty much did it already and honestly anyone with more than two braincells can see it for himself.
The P-51 is really only thing in your list that isnt bogus, but hey even broken clock is right twice a day.
so you have to shill to have great equipment?
requires flat broadside for tiger 1, also interestingly enough it can’t 1 shot the puma even if you directly hit ammo but it might be just a newbie protection thing since faust and schreck don’t 1 shot the stuart either so a mute point
please try this multiple times in a live game also since you are a fan of MG port, probably from being told that against the jumbo, there is actually 3 different ways for a pz4H/J to take out the jumbo
you’re an idiot if you think that is the only way a 76 can take out a tiger
versus a ju-188 with fantasy flight model to gunship people while having the largest payload in the game
and the axis have the bf110 which is as effective as the jug, but with better A2A all at lvl 4
if you have the flat broad side, but we all know that won’t happen since your average tanker tends to be a bit of a pussy and sits in the grayzone only showing the frontal armor
same can be said against the jumbo but your average teammate is questionable at best
leaving this as the only good point you made about the allies
What are you talking about? Shill? Bro I don’t even have these units. But I encounter them all the time, magically appearing from all corners of the map, and ontop of the objective.
If I had a dollar for the number of times I have spawned in a tank, entered the battlefield, and just a couple minutes later, a paratrooper squad hot-drops behind the tank and the player casually runs over and destroys the vehicle with a TNT pack.
Fantasyland at it’s finest (amongst so many other things). The whole game has become a meme.
Already addressed this with @Wieloglow. That was my mistake regarding the jumbo and tiger’s MG port.
Did I say it’s the “only way”? FFS, stop being petty.
Two different things
Weapon ability and player behavior are two separate discussions. The fact remains the same… when given the opportunity, the PIAT can OHK a Tiger.
Both are equally good, and each has their own pros and cons. The winner of A2A is often (but not always) determined by whoever gets behind the other aircraft first, and has the ability to shoot a moving target out of the sky. The type of machine gun on the aircraft doesn’t really matter, if the pilot can simply line up his crosshairs at the correct moment. The bullets for the BF-110’s autocannon, travel much slower than smaller munitions of different aircraft, and there’s only a limited quantity of 30mm and 37mm per resupply (which can be exhausted after two strafing runs). Which means pilots using the BF-110 have to be conservative with their ammo when engaging other aircraft.
Congratz u just described why half the campaigns and unplayable and dead, due to balance issues.
Says the most petty person on the forum
If you’re referring to the “fatal error”, regarding the Jumbo and Tiger’s MG port… you can fucking sue me.
Actually no. I have no qualms with the grey zone, and have no issue with dealing with GZ campers. However, people LOVE to complain about their inability to kill these vehicles.
More self projection? And I hope this molestation you’re speaking of, only happened to you in the videogame and not in real life. That would be tragic (but would also make sense why you’re such a salty mother fucker).
I forgive you.
As opposed to the person who has not provided ANY advice or suggestions at all.
It seems your entire mission is to gaslight me and criticize every little thing that you can possibly think of.
Again. This is a video game, and I could hardly give a fuck if I have your approval or not. Winning. Losing. It doesn’t matter because it doesn’t affect anything in real life.
Good for you buddy. You want a high five?
Gaslighting? Please stop, my sides hurt from all the laughing.
As for the advice, i provided it. But hey we all know you cant read and all you can do is to parrot your “just flank it” and “shoot the tracks THEN shoot the barrel”.
Genius, truly genius /s
Once again, i am simply amazed how full of shit you can be while also having ego through the roof thinking your advice is worth anything lol.
to be fair im in argeement with you
too many people want an easy button that is just a one solution for all problems
people just want to kill any tank from any angle from any range or “its not fair”
one of the things i do like about this game is that some times i just cant deal with that tank, even if i wanted to
and for all the make belief problems the other smooth brains are coming up with, i have never seen such a problem that i was not able deal with in the end, like i killed a tiger that was in the greyzone with the m4 75mmsherman the recently and it was a cake walk
Yes exactly. One of the big issues with catering to the lazy/incompetent players who want an easy button, is that this same button is given to the highly experienced players as well.
By doing so, we might as well not even have tanks at all because the veteran players are always going to destroy armored units from whatever range/distance/angle etc.
I’d have no qualms with giving the allies a Jumbo tank with a 76mm cannon. It would give the Tigers more of a challenge.
On a serious note… shouldn’t basically all tanks have a “MG port weak spot”?
Also shouldn’t all tanks have a turret shot trap?
Also shouldn’t it be much easier to barrel snipe tanks?
Also shouldn’t even thick armor fail after multiple hits at the same spot?
I see that nothing has divided the player base more than the introduction of the Jumbo tank, and still today you guys have this same discussion about it.
grabs popcorn