The issue with Fedorov's recoil

The previous post did not contain any sentences. In this one, I will describe several.

  1. When the burst-fire mode is preserved, it should become the default mode. The recoil pattern of Fedorov is not bad, but its huge vertical recoil completely negates this advantage. I suggest equalizing the recoil with that of the BREDA PG, which also fires in bursts and has a greater compensation bonus.

  2. Add an automatic fire mode instead of bursts and equalize the recoil with weapons from other factions within the same class. Fedorov damage is 14.4, just like the FG-42-2. Equalizing the recoil with the FG-42-2 will not affect the balance since Fedorov remains event-only weapon.

  3. The simplest option would be to add a bayonet.

On the Russian forum, they propose increasing the damage to the level of AVT/AVS. To some extent, I agree with this suggestion, but I still think it’s better to keep the damage at the current level and reduce the recoil.


Yeah for the sake of new or old players getting it it shouldn’t be sending you to the moon every pull of the trigger so hopefully they kinda lower it tbh

What’s the ballistic performance of the guns and respective bullets?

High horizontal vs high vertical recoil guns are very much just a thing of preference tho.

So like every other gun,

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