The importance of "committing suicide" without hesitation (about this game)

(This is a topic about this game)

I’m glad that the release on Steam will attract new players. However, they think that “survival” is important.

This game controls multiple soldiers at the same time. This means that if there is only one soldier left, the squad is useless.

This is a big problem in defense battles. They do not retreat the front line even if the base is taken, but continue to resist meaninglessly alone. This is especially noticeable if you are using a sniper squad.

This means a significant decrease in combat power, and your team will be defeated. (In fact, I was at a loss when there were about five icons of only one ally in multiple buildings.)

The reason I use the “suicide button”. For example, when “I ran out of ammunition and all the special soldiers like engineers are dead”.
By having a new squad ready immediately, you can increase your combat power and create new spawn points, contributing to the team’s victory.


When the soldiers in the team cannot provide the firepower and survival needs, I will kill them all.
Or quickly change the team after ending the current stronghold.
This is more effective than wasting time or becoming the enemy’s score or something.

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I don’t follow the logic. Often times my squad gets wiped quickly. I can do a lot of damage on my own. Far from useless. Even if I have to pick up enemy weapons to do it. Why would you cost your team spawns by /kill-ing.

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Same. I’ve had some great Rambo moments holding a defence flag on my own while I wait for reinforcements. I’ve actually helped save a match because of it.

Each to their own though, I guess.


there are certain times where suicide is useful.

  • your plane is incapacitated and instead of waiting to crash, you suicide (can save you 10 seconds of waiting time)
  • tank is left with 1 or 2 tankers and is heavily damaged, next objective is rather far, so it is better to suicide and be useful to team right away, rather than be semi useful in minute or two.
  • your last soldier is down and in middle of enemy (well i suicide by dropping det pack, while trying to get healed)
  • your last soldier is without ammo (and is not engineer) and there is no ammo supply near

although i prefer suiciding into enemy to get xp from dying.


You get xp from dying? Didn’t know that!

Agree, sometimes killing off a soldier is not a bad idea, other times, I’ll run into fire and take out what I can (maybe get that ultra-rare melee kill…)

In the end, finishing off your squad is entirely situational. If I always respawned based on all the rest of my squad being killed off, I’d likely be doing that a half-dozen times a match. Despite my best efforts to protect my squad (and I’m better now than I used to be) - there are times when the guy I’m on is the only one left b/c the AI sucks and the bots get themselves killed off. Or someone finds where they’re hiding and quickly does away with them while I’m 40M busy doing stuff.

But yes, if you’re the last guy and you have no ammo, or you’re far away from where the action is, or whatever…well, that’s why they have the option to do “Kill this soldier”.

Slightly separate topic -

There are times when I accidentally get deployed WAY in the back - whether I was looking at the map or something else, and it drives me BATTY to suddenly be like 200-400M from the objective.

If it’s a small squad (like 4 soldiers) and I’m on defense, I’ve been known to wipe out the whole thing to avoid running up - b/c not only is the location wrong, but it’s not the squad I intended to bring up.

I really wish they would change that auto-spawning nonsense. Make it so you purposely spawn every single time.

if enemy kills you, you get xp. if you suicide you dont get xp.

tested this with one squad and you get 200xp per death for max squad with squad bonus. you get 100xp for min squad with squad bonus. stock min squad without bonus probably gets 50xp.


That’s no accident, this game now likes to put ya atleast 140 plus clicks away from the frontline on auto respawn. For me, i like being a survivalist. It aint over untili get taken out. Other guns usage, knives, and use of harsh language still to go before i think of using that kill button. Although there is those grapical glitches that ya get stuck in and cant move…

Sometimes weird rallies also cause you to get stuck.

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You fountain of wisdom and knowledge.

If I am on the attacking side, I rarely save anyone. I rush in as fast as I can with guns a blazing and 75% of the time I get into the objective. That being said, I can be inside the objective for an eternity and NO ONE ever seems to enter and help. You’re correct when you say people try to save their troops. It really does not matter if I try and hide mine in a bunker away from the battle zone, they all seem to die before I can use them, especially my radio man, who mysteriously always DIES FIRST! :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I use some military tactics, but for the most part rushing in seems to work. I like to chuck an explosion pack towards the objective and wait a second or two before I start rushing in hoping it will distract or kill someone long enough for me to get the jump on them. Of course, you get into those ass kicking games where you can’t sniff the objective without your entire squad being vaporized time and time again. When I first started, I tried my best to NEVER die, but you don’t take objectives that way…At least for me. So, I have a crappy kill to death ratio, but it works out for me in the end. :blush: I’m sure I won’t be getting a christmas card from my platoon cannon fodder. :rofl:

Okay that title caught me off guard

I struggled to come up with a title for this article. I could have titled it “Making Soldiers Commit Suicide,” but it ended up sharing some useful information (that I didn’t expect).

While true, just like with “not about the game” suicide is the cowards way out. I prefer to fight to the last man and go down swinging myself

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I mean, I don’t get it, but whatever.

  1. I’d bail in the plane. Your pilot can carry two guns, mines, grenades.
  2. I’d fight it out with the remaining tankers. How far away are you taking? Can’t be much further than your respawn point…
  3. You’re going to die anyway, shoot until you die, unless you can take more by suicide with grenade. It think this is the only place I agree.
  4. Pull your knife out and steal an enemy weapon. I’ve done it more times than I can count.

Remember, if doing anything other than defending, you cost your team tickets when you respawn.

I have only ever suicided accidentally or if I get stuck in a bug.

it is one soldier that will need at least 10-20 seconds to land and he will be transported to default spawn ~150m away from cap and he will need another 20-30 second just to get to cap where he will probably have questionable efficiency cause he is only one soldier with subpar weapons and subpar perks.

compared to using full squad that can spawn on rally point if available and you can also build another rally point and storm the capture point with one or more soldiers clearing it with optimal soldiers.

as infantry or as tank? cause driving tank is hardly worth it cause of debufs for not having full crew and wasting time to repair it and if you are using tankers as infantry, you are blocking your team tank slot and you will have questionable performance with them anyways.

well i have done it many times also, that is why i said i prefer suiciding into enemy rather than suiciding from menu. it is viable option for when you need fast rally point and you will not be effective with remaining soldier.

there are many times where suiciding is worth it even if you are on attacker team. you just need to have judgement about situation on when exactly is worth it.