The German army has a very low winning rate now

Oh quit being thick about it.

It comes down to skill too obviously.
My point is that rather than catering to solo players that are complaining about squads being too strong (without considering a skill factor), they need to make the game more focused on squads being unique, and incentivizing squad play.
INSTEAD of pushing solo players to become one man armies.

If you take 5 players of identical skill, and have 4 as a group and one by themself, who should most likely win?

Because so much balancing has gone out the window, and they are trying to appease solo players that are only focused on brute force offense, its no wonder that defense gets stomped. That is my point. Currently, it doesn’t matter if a solo player or a squad builds up fortifications. A single player can wipe out the majority of it with ease.

As I was saying above, SKILL is still a part of the equation. If the solo player is on defense, should they not have any kind of chance to defense? NO. They should be able to put up a defense that is effective against at least one player (unless that player specifically uses a direct counter, which would sacrifice their effectiveness in other departments).

My point being is that if defenses are made to adequately hold, then solo players that out strategize enemy squads that try to brute force their way through can be held back to some degree. As well as vice versa.

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We win by goofing around lol sweating isnt fun.

Because I like the Moscow map, I am currently playing BR2 Germany and BR3 USSR.
For USSR, it has PPS43, PPSH41, bulletproof plate damage reduction of 10%, KV-1, P40E-1,
and paratrooper squads, which the poor Germans didn’t have.

In addition to this, new players in Germany have to endure the only available MP40, and have to develop a lot of garbage to get a weapon that is weaker than the USSR.

If USSR has no advantage,
Please tell me how to explain why my USSR winning rate is 10% higher than AXIS.
Will my ability decrease when I use AXIS?
I am the first player in almost every game, and I can clearly feel that in about 80% of the cases, USSR players take advantage of their powerful advantages to slaughter the Germans on the battlefield.

In the past, in the USSR Battle of Berlin, almost every teammate was AI.
I never complained and still continued to complete every battle that was slaughtered.
Because I think there was not much difference in the weapons between the two sides at that time.

Now every game of Germany’s BR 2 is a test of hell difficulty. I don’t want to complain anymore, because I have already gone to USSR to massacre those poor German players.


And This is why we’re losing any new blood in the future because that was always their plan So the veterans that we have left on Germany are left at the end game to rot and slowly wither away and an end game will belong to the allies and Soviets.


6 matches and all of them were completely unplayable as the Germans. (BR5) Deserted them all and went back to play more of Japan and i had way more fair matches. There are zero point in playing as Germans atm unless you want to only fight vs tryhards that spawncamp your team while your teammates are playing with the closed eyes and are deaf.


Only gonna get worse with the lack of new bloods and whatever reinforcements we have left being slaughtered So overall the future does not look bright because veterans are slaughtering our new bloods at BR one and two.

Plus Soviets going to get M1 Bazookas so Soviet will be completely superior to the Germans in every single way except maybe lmgs (but they all suck at BR2 so who cares). They have better rifles, smgs, tanks. So what’s the point of playing Germans? To fly in a couple of slow ass planes with 250kg/500kg bombs? Yeah that for sure win games for you. Imagine being a new player that will push through pain to grind so hard for so many hours to reach BR3 just to get murdered by the most meta gear in the game every single match with a very few exceptions. So fun…


Remember we had to fight with the Darkflow just to get that iconic (and poorly performing in game) smg at first we were forced to play with awful FNAB-43/MP3008 at BR2. It’s obvious that game has a huge Soviet bias at all BR tiers but especially at low-mid BR.


And whatever veterans we have left at end game are gonna slowly die out so I guess thank you DF for killing off our future


Not exactly sure how the game currently caters solo players ?
The matchmake definitely doesnt cater solos as it randomly throws solos vs solos & stacks which obviously is already a disadvantage to full solo team.

Theres really no sugarcoating this, if you & your “team” get ass handed by some random solo player, the issue is between your chair and keyboard.
Hence I find it slightly amusing that you speak of “skill factor”

Obviously the group, if this isnt the case in your experience → as above said.

Well not really. To some degree I can agree such as sandbags could endure more dmg I wouldnt mind.
Thats about it.
But the barbwires and what else does exactly what theyr supposed to do right now.
Slow down the enemy, make them use utility they could use anywhere else aka makes the attacker do something else than “brute forcing” themselfs to cap point.

Your task is to take free potshots while the enemy is disassembling your fortnite castle.
If you dont, cant really blame the defense structures.

You have endless tickets as defender it wont get much easier than that.
Nor I dont exactly understand what you mean with
“defenses that are effective against atleast one player”
Are you suggesting that if theres 10 defending engineers and all of them build theyr fortnite castles the game would essentially be 10v10+10 ?

Or how about include algorithm to matchmake that it atleast attempts to match squads vs other squads ?


that’s also another reason why the Germans could not have low BR paratroopers so we can’t even protect our new bloods


You also forgot to mention if they’re not fighting the Soviets they’ll be fighting the Americans who will rocket spam them into oblivion.

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Both have rockets but only Americans can have effective rockets that can destroy or at least heavenly cripple Axis tank crews.


True but the Americans have a low BR2 Plane with rockets


As an Axis BR2 player I find this a relaxing break from being massacred as infantry :wink:

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For Low BR Axis you still get dabbed by P38J and Beufaughters with rockets, worse for the Japs though, cuz those spawn mid air without delay

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