The German army has a very low winning rate now

well yeah any vs any could work… at least it would be random…

Quit every Stalingrad map + strange vertical map and quit that match that seems over before even starting and you will have a nice experience

You never said time is not a problem. Therefore a queue that takes 1 hour is perfectly fine when they do decide to switch.


Another easy one. MMR system, game starts with 3v3 “Marshals” (rank means nothing right now) and 7 bots on each side. Instead of this stacked mess. There is no need to worry about 10 Soviet Marshals at all.

In fact, you could even do 1v1 with 9v9 bots. Ez.

Its even now rather easy.
I do agree with the germuts getting most of defend games, definitely atleast feels like that.
Hence I guess thats where this “defending is too hard” comes from.
While the actual issue atleast currently is indeed in playerbase & somewhat useless matchmake.

Could just increase the % of attack games for germuts, probably would highlight that attacking definitely aint easier than defending.
Aka if you cant win defense with neckbearded mouthbreathers you definitely wont win the attack with them either.


of course time is the problem. as well as bots in the match. people want to play against other people, not against bots. you may prefer 3v3, but many people wouldnt (including me).

Simply make an event that gives Germany something everybody wants to play. Or better yet add something to the German tech tree that would make people play Germans and grind the new levels. It doesn’t have to be something crazy OP, just super interesting or iconic so everyone wants it. This would bring some players back to playing Germany and boom, problem solved (temporarily anyways)

We only need an XP bonus if join any side is selected. Like 50% or so.

That way, even if you lose it would be profitable to play as the underdog.

I suggested a more complex system a few days ago, but whatever. The point is we need more xp for playing the weak side.

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I push for more strategic options for attackers too.

Honestly though, if you are playing as a full stack, why should solo players be able to push through a combined defense, like how it is now?

It is taking multiple people, coordinating, to be able to build that level of fortification. If you are having issues with it, you should get some friends together (or make some new ones) and run as a coordinated unit.

Enlisted needs to stop making the mistakes that Battlefield 2042 did. Including how they made it so that a solo player could completely counter a full group of players.


I’m sorry but this is just brain damaged level stupid.

Basically you are saying “yeah, solo players should just lose when playing against stacks” lmao.

What a fun and reasonable outlook towards your fellow players. We can talk about this when you stacktards are in your own queue so the rest of us don’t have to deal with your shit.

In the meantime enjoy getting stomped on the defense, which is honestly impressive considering that stacking is the ultra easymode.


Axis playerbase are dead in this game after the first 2 months of Honeymoon

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Shit, am I missing something? My friends and I can barely stay alive in the same 50m of each other. I can’t coordinate anything! My duo and trio games are still us just losing and winning the same as me being a solo. The only differences we’ve had is when we hop in fighter and bomber together.

I mean they kinda did, they gave us the APC. I grinded for it only to find out it is BR3 so I’m not touching that thing until they figure out the BR problem.

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This video explains much

I’ve already seen that thing already but it does not explain why the Germans are stuck with an unreasonable amount of defender maps and same goes for Japanese as well.

And when it comes to that brief bit of my posts showing up in the video I made it so the devs don’t give the allies or Soviets more broken things to break the game like how the Soviets have 10% damage reduction body armor or let the allies have even more rockets on their planes.

Unless my skill reduces drastically when I play Germany and in the same time doubles up when I play USSR, I doubt it is a skill issue. But don’t just take my word for it. Let the numbers talk.

Germany weapons are garbage (at least at BR II and BR III). For example, in BR II the German assaulter’s go-to weapon is the MP 40: 5.8 damage, 500 rate of fire, 30 vertical/10 horizontal recoil, 32-round mag.
On the other side, the USSR equivalent is the PPS-43 with similar recoil, damage, however with a rate of fire of 700, about 35% more bullets get shot from just a single assaulter.

Another example is the APC’s. The German Sd. Kfz. 7 feels like a slug compared to the Soviet GAZ AAA.
Playing as a Soviet I could easily bypass tanks and hide my APC away without getting blown to pieces, however, as a German I feel like a sitting duck. It takes ages to park that German basket with wheels near a capture point.

The only thing I could point out as a benefit of playing as Axis in low BR is the machine gun. Only the MG 13 keeps my win rate relatively decent.

Another thing I notice constantly is the player base and the matchmaking. The USSR players are skilled and have a lot of objective awareness, whereas their Axis opponents are mostly newbies and aren’t skilled at all but somehow still end up playing against players with hundreds of hours of Enlisted.

Frankly, I do not now why is that and why the devs turn their blind eye towards this issue. I can tell for a fact that if I had started my Enlisted experience playing as Germany I doubt I would have kept playing for as long as I have now.


Like what?

I don’t see him ever mentioning the artificial cap speed/ticket balance which heavily influenced the performance of the factions in question.
Which only the last update finally removed. And since then, actually playing axis has been perfectly fine (unless you encounter 4 stack, but that’s completely different story :)).

His “it’s your fault” explanation is just ridiculous. It absolutely scares me that such a person will have a significant impact on the future of Enlisted.

But whatever…


Are your stack buddies in the bottom 25% in terms of ability? Are you actually trying to win or goofing around?

I play mainly solo, and my stackplay experiences are mainly from just playing with randoms who invite me to group without even having a mic. But if someone has a plan, I’ll just follow it. Granted i probably get invited because of my stats, meaning that whoever invites me is interested in winning. So some self selection here.

You can coordinate. You can choose the same approach route or defensive positions. And suddenly the approaching enemy is getting shot at by 3 or 4 players simultaneously. You have 3 or 4 players entering cap almost simultaneously. You have someone actually providing close cover to your advancing tank, etc.

I think my stack winrate is probably 90%. Minor coordination with a couple of decent players going for the win makes a huge difference in my experience.

In the past, when Axis had the upper hand, Parrot also said, “It’s because Axis knows how to cooperate.” It turned out to be caused by playerbase.

Match making is also a part of balance. It should be the responsibility of the game to balance the player’s experience and ability.


Shit, i think i even remember that cringe-thread. :sweat_smile:

You need space for more strategic plans.
Maps dont provide that