plz fix it
Every plane shoud do so.
From what I have read, planes that cant take off from carriers, spawn in the air.
I guess that planes that can take off from carriers, still do.
(planes that cant take off from carriers should probably not be in pacific anyway, but whatever)
I completely agree with this statement.
The Hellcat is a carrier based fighter, so there’s nothing to fix here
Please fix the bug that FP-5 cannot mount an atomic bomb to destroy all enemies in one shot
fp5 is a pacific plane of course it take off from carrier
Why? Pacific air battles were not just between carrier planes. There were planes operate from ground airfield.
It’s a mater of advantage, if any plane can air spawn then they all should, or non should, the P 38 for example has a huge advantage in the Pacific atm because of it’s High performance and it’s air spawn.
Presumably the Spitfire launces from a CV, I have yet to try it ???
Even a B 25 could take of from Aircraft Carriers (once at least), I cant see why the P 38 could not, even if its unrealistic for it to do so historically
Carrier plane can repair the plane on the carrier, air spawn plane can’t.
That does not change the huge advantage they have, most planes carrier or otherwise don’t make it back anyway.
I am sure someone can land a P38 on a CV
I flew my Ki 61 from CV’s for months, it not being a CV plane irl did not hamper my use of the CV in anyway
This is definitely an issue in the Pacific: the fact that land based aircraft can spawn in the air already flying high and fast means they have an immediate advantage over any carrier aircraft, and allow quick and easy suicide attacks that were practically nonexistent in the Pacific previously.
Also, since the Pacific maps don’t have a 60 second cooldown timer at the start of maps: people are suicide bombing the first point within 30 seconds of the map start. Carrier based aircraft can’t even get close to the point in that span of time.
I hope they bring land based airfields into the game, or start planes in the air much further away from the point. The Pacific had a nice balance that prevented overuse of cas spam, and I hope they expand it to all maps instead of just continuing with the flawed system they currently use.
I just literally flew for the first time in the newest Japanese fighter plane “Ki-61-II Otsu Kai” and this thing spawns in the air, but if you land (successfully) on the aircraft carrier, it will not repair the airplane, so the best you can do is just respawn with other squad as this plane will not take off from there anymore.
Only aircrafts that take off from carriers can be repaired and that is a huge advantage over the one that just spawns in the air, unless you don’t care about your survivability.
Odd, My Premium Ki-61 (got F’ed on that deal, now that I can it for free) Did for months, must be a bug?
It could be changed with the merge update, I remember in the past other airplanes like german ones could use aircraft carries and apparently they can’t now.
Basically you can land with any airplane on a carrier, but it won’t respawn you on the deck and set you ready for take off, no service for non-carrier based aircrafts.
*Every plane that was designed to should do so
There, fixed it.
The KI series were IJAF, not IJN afaik, so if we’re calling for the removal of the non-carrier planes from the pacific, remove KI-61s and never adding more IJAF planes
I mean, I need to test that and see if it works, the game might not know it shouldn’t. It really Shouldn’t.
Eh, the issue is more that you can immediately spawn them just like CV planes, but the spawn high and fast.
Yes, please