The EXP system is ..... Game reward me 5x higher baseXP than my score

I am testing new suicide changes. (Now seems that NO cool down timer after suicide)

I only be killed accidentally sometimes.
And the game directly reward me 5 times more baseXP than my score???
So how the XP system works is to spare some top levels’ players’ XP to lower ranking players’ XP???
And that’s why when I got top 1, I always get lower baseXP than my score?

the score does not represent the xp gained, actually we dont even know how the score is calculated.

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Only thing i noticed is that the less score You have, the better xp/score ratio is.
So while playing 8k score game may give 7k base xp, having 200 xp on single squads often gives more than 500 xp

XP is partly based on time spent playing, partly in accomplishments.
In-game score is based on actual accomplishments: killing, building, etc.

Having no score can result in a pretty nice ratio of XP/score

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