The end of the Battle of Stalingrad

Yeah, not to mention all the extra crew slots. That alone, to me, makes it more than worthwhile.

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A nice small event.

about the pack:
The Pack was and still is the best purchase one can make in this game.

2 fun tanks
10 slots (if player is also using premium / 8 if not)
all the cool stuff can be obtained
4x XP grind or 8X if player have premium
One can play the game Just to play it , not to grind. (this alone is more than worth the price)

If one didnt get it at 30 bucks befor that already was an amazing deal, now with 30% discount is a non brainer to get. and no. it isnt a pay to win campaign.
On some aspects (like 4x grind and slots) i wish they had this option on other campaigns. i would def support them with it.

Arguably , stalingrad has The best map ingame to play. With the pack is even better.

20.99 ā‚¬ ā€¦ if one can afford 20 euros lol, will get an amazing experience on stalingrad. def worth the money.


On some aspects (like 4x grind and slots) i wish they had this option on other campaigns. i would def support them with it.

Oh my gosh, Iā€™ve thought the same thing. When I first bought it (during sale too) and realized how great of a bang for the buck it was, I went searching for it in other campaigns and got frustrated 'cause I thought I just couldnā€™t find it. I would buy one of these for every single campaign if I could (except Pacific, 'cause I just donā€™t like it that much).

But just to give you an idea, here are the crazy types of points you can rack-up with these extra bonuses. Just take a look at those multipliers at the top:

Now imagine grinding without grinding.


if pacific also had 4x , would be such a nice deal for usā€¦

sadly it doesnt, and ye, i dont play pacific either unfortunate. i would, if i could grind as fast as i did on stalingrad.



Itā€™s really simple too.

  • I have no time to grind and producers want money.

  • producers give me x4 xp so I can have fun, and they get money.

Win win.

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i would buy the game if it was available globally and not per campaign basis. this is start of micro transaction hell.

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So who else thought that the Stalingrad Campaign was ending after reading the title?
i did lol


This game still is in development though. I feel like the business model for Enlisted has struck the right balance between free to play (which it legitimately is), while at the same time providing players the opportunity to explore new and interesting content for a nominal price that helps support the developers in continuing to expand the game. I like being part of something thatā€™s constantly evolving, it keeps the player engaged moreso than pumping out a bunch of sequels in my opinion (which would be the alternative).

War Thunder failed at striking this balance, but where WT failed, I believe the Enlisted team is succeeding. For instance, you donā€™t have to pay to get your vehicles ā€œrepaired,ā€ which is one of the most ridiculous game mechanics I think Iā€™ve ever encountered. Imagine if you had to wait for your squad members to sit-out for a week in ā€œhospital?ā€ How boring and ludicrous would that be?

one of the aspects i didnt enjoy on Heroes and generals even tho i played it for years, was the repair costs

use weapon - get credits - % of it will be cut coz , reasons.

making usage of some guns a high cost low benefit and would make the game less appealing.

and yes, i do agree enlisted monetisation, even tho could be better, isnt that bad at the end of the day.
a f2p have all the tools, squads, weapons to be good enough or even better than some premium counterparts, if, said player is wiling to trade time to get there.

some can argue that 2 eng soldiers on 5 MG soldiers is pay to win, but disregard that f2p assaulter squad can still have options a 4 man premium cant. and said people, dont comment about that.
its always unfair when a paid costumer gets a litle more, but if a paid costumer gets less since ever, 0 comments are yet to be seen by said players.
it will be always like that. even tho, i do feel enlisted monetization isnt the worst on the market, nowhere near perfect but, strikes a good balance on whats acceptable and what one can get trading money for goods in this game.

tbh everything on stalingrad besides premium squads can be unlocked as f2p , if they trade their time on other campaigns to send said items. but honestlyā€¦ if one cant invest 20 bucks once, on such a good deal i dont know what to say. (yes some dont have said money, yes some countries are almost impossible to purchase goods online, yes somepeople need their money to other stuff, i understand all of thatā€¦ but still)


ye, same lol

honesly i wouldnt want that coz i trully enjoy stalingrad


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and that is why i have understanding for some bugs and some lack of game mechanics. BUT dev priority needs to be on repairing critical bugs that hamper game balance. MM bug that gives one team 30% of player advantage is one such bug. and worst thing is that devs dont even acknowledge the bug, even though i could point it out in their source code and make fix in 5 minutes.

i will never buy separate campaigns inside the game even if they are 1$. i would rather pay 60$ for global unlock, rather than pay for every campaign unlock as they add it.

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ye as stated befor, i would def purchase 4x xp on every campaign even for a high price.

would make my game experience way more relaxing than a xp grind simulator.

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idk about high price, but i would pay up to a AAA game price for permanent 4x modifier globally.

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I thought the Stalingrad campaign was being shut down and was very sad, lmao.

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@ChuchaDrucha didnā€™t you make announcement that Stalingrad was going to be free for the rest of the players?
if not What a joke.

Please update the custom mod games to support custom blk loading as soon as possible

My mod will help you sell Stalingrad.

Purchasing Stalingrad is a good value for money option for players who intend to play my large map mod game instead of the default mode game.

Because players can get slots and good weapon equipment here, save you players from wasting painful grinds in 200m CQC mode, so you can enjoy the content of the game almost immediately.

Personally, I like Stalingradā€™s level premium model, I think this allows players to experience the game instead of being tortured by grinding.

The problem is that Stalingrad lacks a rich map as a play environment.

Please update the custom mod games to support custom blk loading as soon as possible

I will to include the purchase link of Stalingrad Campaign in my mod intro to help you selling it


Played with tanks on events, now got stuart with flamethrowers. Still prefer normal flamethrowers than shit visibility.
All the cool stuff can be sent from diffrent campaigns
Grind is same old, just spend boosters there and finished it with least battles played of all campaigns.
10 slots is only value i actually miss, but there is maybe one more squad i would like to bring, other than that itā€™s just pain to buy equipment for more squads.

Itā€™s pay to progress faster. And get ppsh and win. One extra step like with everything in this game trying to hide p2w elements.
Even blind guy can see 80% of players (i got full bot teams lately) are running with bolts getting 20 kills, and are just fodders for 2 guys running PPSh and MKB squads, that get triple their score.

It was a no brainer to skip it for me even at -50% off on chistmas sale.



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From a PERSONAL standpoint (and that of my buddies that I just relayed this info to), a 30% reduction in price isnā€™t enough to get me nor my buddies to buy into it. While I think the ampulomet and some of the maps are cool, there isnā€™t enough there to justify the price to us.

That said, I hope the players that do get it enjoy it! To each their own.

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It seems that you forget that the community asked for more sales out of the regular 4 times per year sales.
And that is what they literally do just now. So I wouldnā€™t complain. I highly appreciate that little Stalingrad sale.