The direction of the game's balancing is wrong;

I get ONE pass" on average with my P51 in either level 3 or 5 before I am shot down. No, I don’t have the P47, but I don’t see any air dominance in the games I play flying as an Allied. When I am flying my German Stuka in level 1-3, I will kill everything that walks or crawls on the battlefield if the enemy does not have a fighter up, so from my perspective, lower level Germans are just as superior in ground attacks. I have only been flying in games for 2 or 3 months, so I am no air ace. If there is an enemy fighter plane flying, again, I usually only get one pass with my Stuka. I rarely get taken down by AA guns or ground fire, 90% of my air losses are by enemy fighters.

So, from my perspective, if your getting hammered on the battlefield by US fighters, then you should probably learn to fly and go shoot them down, especially if no one else in the match is going to do it. :rofl:

Planes are very strong - but in return AA guns are rarher great now. No nerf needed.

However I would still want to see proper AA tanks and trucks in the future.

That premium 88 truck is a joke, it should have HE that detonates automatically if it passes too close to a target - which should be the norm for then high BR AA guns.


You are just bad if you think it is better and also a comprehension issue it seems.

Just more inaccurate (random pat), less ammo, less RoF and need enemy to have vitality and body armor hitbox, gottem.

AA vehicles are completely useless. AA itself is completely useless. Fighters are almost completely useless.

There are only 10 people on a team, every second you spend in a non-meta squad is a waste of time.

AA vehicles would actually be a net negative to your team, as you are taking away 1 player slot. It is actually better to not shoot down 90% of planes, not shoot the useless Crusader tank and so forth. The Flak88bus even with proxy HE (HE-VT, fake ammo for Germany) would still be a meme, only in 1/20 battles where enemy is both on attacking team and run 2 planes non-stop.

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So any match against BR5 US?

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i am not against buff to AVT40 to get 20 rounds magazine. but i also think that soviet armor needs to be removed cause weapon balance should not be influenced by camo buyable with separate currency. currently inside 60m AVT doesnt need to spray to down enemy while fg42 actually has that need cause there are lot of players with body armor+vitality on BR5 and you can even find some on BR2.

Forum went crazy but

It’s quite rare to see two up, in any case you also have to account for people who suicide which is all the time. Even less reason to spend time making AA or spawning an AA truck.

Only allies had working proximity fuses in ww2.

Well yes, but that would then only be a simplified system for AA, 88 would have to manually set their distance to explode in the air.

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Could be like with AT-rocket launchers. You need to pick a rough distance bracket at least.

Allies on the other hand should get airburst arty and proximity aa on high br.

Thats strange logic in my opinion if something broken or op then it shall be nerfed saying that “heh, you are too late for the party” is just idiotic, like there is still a possibility for nerf if i guess enough ppl complain

Thats a problem that should be adressed, instead of shuting someone up

Not really. It was a fair question.

Many of us here dont like what BR 5 has been for a long time and have said as much every step of the way. The direction is still that way.

And its not that i dont agree with selectfires are way op, i said i did but.

But when the High BR select fire power creep has cycled through all the nations, before getting to this point, it sounds alot like “its okay up to this point, then its going too far” :thinking: All i did was ask the question

The underlying tone “axis has the best of everything and allies/soviets weakest” just gives the post a different smell

Quite sure germans had more than few of them, regardless never saw service that hardly is a problem in this game.