The death of a Radio Operator - A Conspiracy

It is not right, they call me crazy but…but the numbers, they don’t lie. Every squad with an Operator, their first KIA? Exactly, the Operator.

It is almost as if some force attracts them towards the void, you see them stuck in open field, ignoring orders, leaving cover, almost as if something programed them to…die.

Squad after squad, KiA after KIA. You find yourself in the heat of battle, trying to storm the enemy position, you call to your Operator : Seveeeeen!!! SEVEEEEEEN!..Sir! He, he is dead!.

You look at your men, they are all fine, no indication of enemy fire…yet there he is, dead. You call out to your friend “Call it! Pepper the fokers” but he is hesitant that is when you notice, his eyes are lost, wondering into space, lost in a series of mathematical equations but he never graduated highschool, he is way behind you, in cover but that is when you notice…a dead operator.

You fall onto your knees and cry to the havens: " Whyyyy, why the fk do they always die first?! This game is rigged, whats the point of bringing them?! I tell them X there!!! Stay in cover!, but they never listen and the enemy just happens to always kill him just him, no one else, riiiight!"

You are defeated, you are maidenless.

But for real…why do they always die first


i mean they are just keeping that part of the game historically accurate (or was that a vietnam thing i forgot)


The radio operator is always the guy with the big box on his back, so most newer players will shoot him first(must be important somehow.) Also for me If I see something on a soldier’s back but can’t tell if it’s a radio op or a flame trooper I’ll shoot that guy first to be safe.

Man I swear to god, sometimes I spawn 140m to objective and this dude just shoots himself or something lol. Couple of times it got so ridiculous so I had to check the replay after the game.

Last time it happened, I started up the replay and literally I was running with my squad, and around 70m ahead of me an enemy squad was running other way doing his own thing and this bit, randomly stops takes ONE SHOT and kills my radioman and just continues running like nothing happened. I was kinda shocked, but also found it quite funny.

I witnessed the conspiracy happen in front of my own eyes…

It’s usually either my radio guy or my engineer who gets it first.
Or so it feels.

that’s why I try make my units look all the same, so I can try more or less hide them…

What do you mean newer players? I always shoot specialists first I have the space to do that.

First anyone with a hammer out or Flamer, then radists, AT guys, etc.

airraids, kaboom always the engineer his death but his mates survive on the same location.

At least as a new player, I shot anyone with something on their back since I had PTSD from getting flametrooped constantly.

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This is why I always hide my radiomen specifically :sweat_smile: they poke their head out 1 sec, and they be done-zo’d