The day of the Normandy landings

Churchill Crocodile first then, no need for more HE spam rn.

Finally I can have 4 Lancaster 50 SMG to complete an assault squad.

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I was hopping for big event with:

  • a commando’s squad like french Kieffer / scottish unit with special sword (and why not a kilt ?) or something like this as big reward (or good canon tank like Churchill mortar)

  • good original guns like lanchester 50 / mp 717r or mp41r

But I’m happy to take again the lanchester 50.
Good gun, but IMO it will be good for br2 than br3


haha…crocodile can HE spam too

Darkflow once again forgot to mention that these brave men didn’t go camping or on a nice seaside resort, but to war.
The fact that Germany, Axis or even Nazis were not mentioned, not even once is wild.
The lack of any reward for the Axis didn’t even surprise me, they never do in events that remember ww2 operations as if they didn’t fight and suffer the same way.

Not that any effort went into the rewards, these event weapons are reused assets that are loosely tied to D-Day, not worthy of 80th anniversary of the most important WW2 event of English speaking countries.

Next time praise both sides because that increases the prestige of victory.
“Their foes were awaiting them in well entrenched position, they would hold to the last bullet”.


No, It isn’t properly ready.

Yeah, the promise of future content is meaningless. Very underwhelming D-Day event but I guess we should be happy they even bothered to do something, last year we got a sale + Normandy para event.

Oh, I needed just another one, here it is!

Also bypassed that Lanchester last time, it’s welcomed.

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Have you managed to get only two last time?

Bigote in France???

You need to change your PFP!



No I got 3, but I use 4 lmg in my Commonwealth lineup! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Is dark magic? We’re you get the fourth machinegunner, the max is 3

In the entire 10 squads lineup my friend, not just a lmg squad :slight_smile:

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ok i thought i’m the only one dissapointed…

well some Premium Squads could have discounts or a Premium Squad only available for the next 3 days, Event Squad, Decals, Portraits maybe things the community doesn’t expect…
No 2 Guns for my 75± US infantry
Germany doesnt get anything like every Dday… OK

But thanks for the socks, they dont make me hot but warm, same with Enlisted… only warm not hot


Any tease or clue if you may? please? :slight_smile:

You are right, this copy paste event doesn’t really “celebrate” the 80th anniversary for being so tiny. The rewards are minimal as if neither the event in the game or real life is a big deal. What a shame.

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That 50 rnd mag makes a big difference, besides, the recoil is less. It jumps less and is a more stable gun

Really don’t like these events that only give a single gun as an event reward, hard pass for the 4th event in arow

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June 15th is when the Mariana islands were invaded. Will there be an event then?

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1 Katana Reward