The current meta annoys me. People are cowards

Yo. I come back after like a year, now everybody is camping and everything is exploding again?

I think it’s super lame when the main playstyles center around cheesing the AI and hiding. There’s little cover on most points, so players revert to forest camping instead of being farmed on the objectives. Most passive team almost always loses, but people stay passive because nobody wants to die first. Seriously though, come on! It’s a videogame, try to win!

This is my heartfelt plea for us all to gtfo spawn. If you perform worse than bots running in a line toward the point, or if you end the game with 0 point attack/defense score, or without building spawn points, change playstyle, I beg you!


Sorry but no. Dying on the objective isn’t fun for me.


yea you’ve been here since ancient times, i remember the whine every time they nerf the current cheese

I guess yes.

I’m not sure how to interpret that.

Anyway, not much has changed really. Just more guns added.


I’ll spell it out for you. You are a habitual contrarian, and you enjoy your gameplay as easy as possible.

You should not be catered to as a player, because - Like it is not fun for you to die on the point - It is not fun for the entire rest of your team to have to carry you. Besides, you might as well just interpret my post as “more cover on the capture points” - Your “sorry no” nonthinking statement isn’t even in the proper context.

We’ve had this exact conversation before I’m pretty sure!


I try to help my team but outside of the point. Because playing on the point sucks really hard. They are just explosion and auto gun fiesta on a very small area. I don’t see any fun in this.

I interpreted it as “[ppl] play the objective!”. Mostly based on:

Sorry if I got it wrong.
If your point is to make objectives have more cover, I fully agree.

This is very possible.

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Honestly, my point was kinda both, but I didn’t make any suggestions so it’s in the mess room!

“Try to help my team outside the point” usually just means you aren’t really helping. You can feel differently if you want, fact remains, team with most people on point wins. And yes, usually they die more, but it is a very simple numbers game.
You not being on the point means the enemy outnumbers your team in there, unless they’ve got even more people in the back picking lint from their bellybuttons. Whoever has the most backliners loses, basically every game. Watch some replays and check the maps if you don’t believe me. It’s just not a good playstyle.

It might be if so many people weren’t doing it.

I’d argue that stoping the enemy from reaching the point (by killing them or destroying spawns) does help the team.
Imo this way I help my team more than by dying on the objective.


That is only true if your team plays according to your needs. You’re basically telling them “you guys go die for me or we lose.” Some deep flanking is good, farm the bots coming out of spawn, but it’s completely dependent on what your team is doing. If everybody copies your style, enemy auto wins.

Here’s an example for comparison: “It’s not fun for me to play the game with bad weapons, so I just afk in spawn and level that way” - Should we cater to those players?

I play to win. I’m on the objectives a lot. In the current meta, I usually capture it with a single soldier because neither team is even trying for the majority as far as I can tell.

PS. Sorry if I’m COMBATIVE, I’m a bit of a WILD ONE

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As defenders, someone has to cover the flanks to protect your own rallies from being gotten. As Attacker, someone has to flank to go hunt for enemy rallies otherwise you won’t ever break the point due to enemy’s infinite respawns.

Standing on a point just to get artied or killed without any way to get back is just a way to lose the hold immediately. If you really wish to defend something, make a forward perimeter and do not even let enemy into the objective in the first place. That way you can avoid Artillery or make enemy waste it on your position, which you can easily move from to another spot.

I think stronghold defense is not just about hiding inside the stronghold
They should move forward instead of hiding inside waiting for the enemy to come in
They’ll just get automatic weapons and explosives

Suppressing the offensive team in the gray zone can also be a form of defense.
As long as the enemy cannot capture the stronghold, it will be fine.

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….everyone is camping in this game? Huh. Never noticed. Most I’ve seen is 3-4 snipers at once

Being on objective itself usually offers little to no overwatch, sight lines, and kill lines
However, some 10-20 feet off of objective into the neighboring buildings often give great sight lines of the enemies currently pushing to get onto objective where you can cut them down with impunity until someone storms the building you’re in and slaughters you (after clearing your AP mines)

It’s a simple matter of where is the most effective spot to set up for line of sight and overwatch of the enemy attacking objective

As for attacking, well, I rush objective. Lol

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Ew a front pusher. Gross. Go back to objective

I have seen 7

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I dont cap or defend anymore.

I don’t see the point in dying every minute while two players are farming easy kills with vehicles.

Then go across the point and block the enemy from reaching it, so others might cap

Sadly, given the ticket imbalance thats the only viable way to win matches that aren’t complete steamrolls from the start. Defenders can just respawn and zerg the capzone infinitely otherwise and all you’ll achieve is burning through your tickets in like, ten minutes

We’re talking about defenders who push up to the edge of gray zone. Often borderline spawncamping Attackers

given than a LOT of the times “attackers” don’t seem to be particularly inclined to leave spawn in the first place, I don’t really blame em lol