The cover range of smoke bomb is too small

The smoke mass formed by this smoke bomb is like a pool of mud, which is not only small in scope, but also lacks the translucent area formed by smoke divergence, and looks quite unreal.
The original smoke group is much better than it is now. I don’t know why it should be modified to look like this after the update. It can’t even block the sight of enemy snipers on the second floor!
You can see from the soldiers in the smoke group that this smoke group seems to be only about 2 meters high and less than 4 meters in diameter.


Also smoke grenade for tanks, they only cover a quire small angle, multiple rounds is needed to give a effective coverage, which is sometimes not possible when horizontal turret drive is destroyed.


This may be more specified to different models of smoke grenade and their working principles. Some smoke grenades do work like this which just produce smoke and flow out but for a long time, while others explode to generate a large cloud of smoke like how white phosphorus grenades working in game now.

I agree, the smoke grenades for both the infantry and the tanks are just a bit too small. They need just a few more feet of radius.

If they improve some of the less used grenades, they can indirectly lessen the spam of WP and molotovs.

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