I got the error too, but one of the other developers said uploading will remove the error, because it’s meant for online data linking stuff. You gotta have those custom profiles in your enlisted launcher before using viewing at your choice of media device.
I have no idea what you mean with this. But it’s a custom profile from the game files. Not one created myself. So it shouldn’t matter too much. Since it’s already within the gamefiles by itself
Maybe server side has only zombie profile 2. Try to use custom one.
No idea. Did you many times update your public mods or uploaded/updated many drafts? Maybe you uploaded huge files? Is it still blocked (iirc i once time too got this problem and timer didn’t show real time)?
I uploaded 10 drafts because there sre 10 maps.
Files should not be anywhere huge (below 2 MB i think as there are only 2 blk files and 1 json file.)
The timer doesn’t show real time, always show 1 second
Edit: its unblocked now
Are you sure this is correct? When i add this into my entities file, all i get is this empty cross. And i can’t actually place anything. But the med_box works just fine

The old one didn’t work.
Use this one
Thanks to you, i have updated so the guide now contains correct information
for some reason, when i removed ‘‘team:i=1’’ it did work. But once i added this again, it crashed immediatly. Something is messing with team 1
i have changed a couple of things, and now it works
The fix has been located!
Add the following code to your entities.blk
I will add this immediatly and test it out!
I add both of these codes to the entities file as well right? Just making sure
Hello, I’m glad that you also found this solution. I’m sorry that I didn’t write right away. It’s stupid that if you haven’t played for a long time, you can’t write a message to someone on the forum. In my case it gave different results. In one mode, defeat always ends in victory, but in another, everything is fine as it should be.
But I did it like this:
It seemed to me that the copy would be more resistant to changes by the developers, I understand that this sounds stupid, but constantly fixing the mod takes a lot of time.
AND I WOULD ALSO WANT TO ASK IF YOU HAVE NOTICED THIS UPDATE IN THE EDITOR. When you try to copy a window or door from a ready-made asset on a stage, they disappear. Scenes made earlier lose the window and door, this is playable, but it looks wild and spoils the appearance. How to deal with this :)))))???
Yes it is the problem.
But the announcer says you are defeated
Very true
I never really edit scenes - i prefer how they look originally. So i don’t know how to fix
Is there a way to add custom wave briefings
So instead of the default ‘‘Wave_briefing/welcome’’, you can just add anything you want in there? Does it have to be done specifically through the scenes.blk, or can it be done in the editor too
yes you can do in editor too, I am just a bit lazy to find the entity in my editor
The default stuff is better because you get translations for different game languages