Has promised, i will check for a while if there is any errors or mistakes in this topic. also feel free to ask any question about anything you do not understand. all this are at least in my mind ALL the possibility of tactical arsenal we can get in Enlisted at least for infantry.
if you believe in tactics to be the future of Enlisted have fun.
The command structure
Most ideas come from K and alt, but this is not truly the only options we have, and not always the best structures around to make tactics. The Control menu for example is excellent for structure commands, the map can be also deceive, and the T soldier section can be also pretty nice for some things. Let,s check out.
The Collective Order.
Not using K mean you are giving orders to you entire squad. To expand this selection, double tap or press the bottom can increase the amount of possibility’s around, nothing new here but it’s important to this bible be formal have it in the topic.
Individual order.
By using K you able to select individual soldier, to order he throw grenade or move. But the real innovation around this topic is means to quicker select then using structure in menu control settings,
Control Menu settings
Ideal for structure controls. Unlike the two above it’s a more strategic and before the battle that a quick order in the heat of the battle, build you fire teams, place hotkeys to quick select the soldiers. Or even make they behavior make the gunner always stay in the rear, and the troopers in the front. If the it don’t works. Change it either in the battle or outside. Just don’t do it in the front of your enemy, try change it in the spawn menu,
Map Command orders.
The plan A, and B. the ideal place to spot something without expose you head. A place where you can request arty if you have no radio man in your squad. Be it auto explosive OR smoke salvo, and where you can also make requests of rally points in the exact position in case of your engineers died.
Alt Menu.
The standard Camo rose, ideal for Quick spread out order/take cover, follow me, OR set the behavior that will determine the passive behavior of your squad.
Soldier selection Menu (T)
More interesting that may look, it can do more that just select the soldier, ideal to see the amount of ammo, Med kits, Grenades, Stamina in a more detailed. Has well set Collective reload orders and healing orders to make sure you squad is either ready for a suppression or healed to full to climb the windows in a assault manuever.
-----------T control menu---------
Inventory changes.
There will be no more grenade pouch, and no ammo backpacks, instead the standard backpacks will carry either extra ammo or med kits, so you will be able to mix the right dose of both things, has grenades will be no more that one per soldier. Has for mine slot you will able to choice it from a smoke grenade or a mine in soldier upgrade menu, be wise to make the right strategy.
Our soldiers will need more ammo for suppression orders, and no more grenade pouch is necessary also to nerf grenades thrown order. Some changes are necessary to things work and don’t be OP.
Supply Administration
Press T to open the soldier menu, in this menu you will be able to see, how much ammo, med kits, type of grenades in the real number, also. You will be able to press R while in this menu, to everybody reload they guns. Or everybody heal they self’s by pressing F, if right click in a soldier he will reload and heal he self (if necessary) before you switch to him.
The Ammo crates around the map, will be able to resupply you entire squad by simple pressing X aiming in the supply crate. Also medic crates will do the same. Always stay whit a great amount of supply’s if intend to use suppression fire often.
If you soldiers are ammo depleted they orange color will be displayed in the either in the reserve ammo or gun ammo of each soldier.
If every one is out ammo, try press R for collective reload, if you press the right mouse button selecting a soldier he will reload, use this to not pick up someone whit 1 bullet in his magazine.
Sprint order. Stamina display
This is a double press order, so when you press two time in a short time, instead of a green marker, the marker will be yellow, soldiers will sprint up to move from one side to another, beware, they will only shoot if the enemy is close, the point of that is that doing so not only will move faster, but it,s a ideal assault order. Meaning they will get close before fire the enemy, ideal for most maneuvers and assaulters orders to get close.
By double tapping X, the soldier will run, has you can see the move order is yellow, and they actually spend some stamina, the thunders around will be yellow. This will save you many situations, but remember has they run they will only shoot enemy if they are close. This is a feature that allows you to do two things, to sprint quickly obvious, and assault orders. Has your assaulters have limited range they will sprint and once in close enough will shoot. Also this feature will protect then if in any case find someone in close quarter has they advance.
----------------------------------------Suppression order.---------------------------------------------
Hold V in a position, instead of simple tapping it and the soldiers will fire in this position whit all the got. Ammo will deplete so plan careful when do so, try not to waste ammo in single target instead use this order in groups of four or more soldiers close in one position.
Once the suppression order is given a circle will appears in the map like a arty zone, but only visible to you. And will be considerable smaller. Once a entire magazine is wasted or hinted the circle will disappear. So a gunner soldier whit a MG34 will fire all his 50 bullets, and a trooper whit bolt action rifle will fire his 5 bullets.
Has you can see the gunner in the squad has be assign to suppress the position, by selecting K and V in the position. There can be also performed in collective or fire teams. Whit is more a concentrated fire order that actually a micro suppression, whit will be useful has well.
----------Individual K menu----------
-AND grenade nerfing topic--------
.Grenade throw order. And mine place order.
Press K select the soldier then G, obvious and classic suggestion. It may be seen simple in terns of how its work, but its necessary Sirius nerfing around this order. The hat slot filled whit helmets will provide extra protection, no more grenade pouches will nerf be making a thing of past tree grenades per soldier, if you soldier get down will receive less damage, and whit a helmet has well will
The point is you got to choose, either mine or smoke grenade. This will be available in soldier upgrade menu, helps nerf mines has a lot of people will select smoke grenades instead of mines, reducing the amount of mine deployed, has mine will be able to be placed by using M, and smoke grenades thrown by pressing N.
Once the K menu select a soldier, press G to thrown it. And a red marker will appear, has a red circle in the soldier menu.
Grenade Launcher necessary nerfing
Every squad will have limit of 1 Grenade Launcher, unlike the trooper one that will have a squad perk in the squad structure mode that allow 2 in troopers have grenade launcher, this feature will be only available to tier two trooper squads. Trooper squad tier 3 will not get more extra, but still able to get 2 be unlocking the perk in the squad upgrade system.
Has for grenade launcher order, it’s a bit more complex that grenade order. Select the soldier in K menu, press U, and he will arm it, aim somewhere and instead of G, use V and he will fire the grenade in the target.
The soldier will appear somewhere in his icon above he is armed whit grenade launcher. So he will be a death weight in fire fight, has most grenade launchers are bolt action rifle, it will be no problem, unless you playing American whit semi auto grenade launchers.
Anti tank fire
By pressing V in by selecting a bomber in K menu will automatic make the bomber select the anti tank weapon and fire in the tank. A fire in the tank, it will be very similar to grenade launcher order, but will not necessary need U, but if you press U it will arm the anti tank weapon, since some anti tank weapon take a few time to arm it may be interesting have this feature has well. Since V will fire the anti tank weapon. It will leave G for grenade, and M for mine so you might use different strategy in different situation.
Has a target appears and a red marker is given to anti tank soldier, that will make fire his anti tank weapon. Always pressing V will do so.
Once the soldier. Destroy the vehicle he will stop the order, has some anti tank weapons have a low damage like anti rifles for example. So he will keep firing until the tank is down.
Small Upgrades to marksman skill of bots.
Believe me all the tactics will do nothing if your troops miss all the shoots. So it will be necessary to improve considerable the bots skills at least in his role. How that works? The assaulters will hit more in close quarters, the gunners will hit more perfuming suppression and snipers obvious in long range. Those upgrades will be both in Personal upgrades so will work in entire army has long is the soldier in the case Assaulter tier 1 will be upgraded in Assaulter tier 1 squad. AND in the squad Upgrade so it will increase even more in some situations.
The other buff will be
Assaulter: only in close range
Sniper; Only in long range
Gunner: Only in suppression fire
Trooper: Will not get since they have 9 grenades and 2 grenade lauchers.
Others: Don’t know. The point is the troops at least must to well what the suppose to do. What will happen if I send 4 assaulters in a fire team whit full star SMGs and they got all kill? This must be at least rare. Although some Rambo’s will do this while controlling the soldier.
Has for the amount of the accuracy increased, it will depends how much will take to compete whit the grenade throwing troops. To nerf even more the Grenades it,s important the BOT,s make priority of grenade throwing soldiers has they advance towards your squad mates. Meaning it will be risky send grenade throw order without proper suppression or any other kind of support.
To guaranteed we have at least some more protection against grenades, the helmets will provide 35 percent less splash damage from explosives. It will not salve you from a grenade in our feet, helmets where use in WWII not has ballistic protection although rare save their life’s, but has something that reduce the shock wave o the explosives very common in those dark times. That will help people survive the increased amount of grenades over the battle ahead. Further nerfing grenades has well.
Bots using TNT will kill they self’s.
Not to often, but since it,s hardcoded do the opposed, DEV,s should considering this has a feature and not a bug. Making players use frag grenades whit deal less splash damage, this combined whit the fact they only carry one grenade do the Grenade paunch BAN, will do more nerfing to the grenades spawn.
Object interaction.
If you press X aiming a sandbag using K individual menu, the soldier will position itself in this sandbag and will take cover has well position his gun using B command to better absorb it’s recoil. Pressing X in a window will position this soldier in the window. But also by pressing two times X, instead of a green marker will be a yellow marker, meaning the soldier will climb either the sandbag or window. If you press tow times X in a door, the soldier will enter it and clean the roon, by simple pressing X he will be behind the door wanting for someone enter to shoot him.
Has you can see the soldier is not properly using the cover, so a object interaction upgrade is needed, he using the move order in the ground instead of in the sandbag.
Unlike the current status of the game, a object interact will do in windows has well. Doors. And other stuff.
By double pressing X button in a door they will open it and get in. shooting everyone inside. They will either enter all the squad or individually it depends if you are using K or Not.
Has you double tap X Aiming in a window and the soldier will jump though, works in walls has well, either individual or K menu selection. Considering the fact that Sprint order are also a assault order making the soldiers more aggressive and get close before fire it,s ideal for taking over a house.
Grenades can be also thrown though windows or doors. Instead of double pressing X, press G while aiming to a door of window. And the soldier will throw in it.
Press G in a door has well to throw a grenade inside the door. If It,s open the BOT will see has a window, if closed he will open and throw inside.
-----Control settings for structure–
hot key soldier.
Has K become increasing difficult to manage, it, time to use structure features. Structure features is mean to make you life easy in the heat of the battle, Each time you start Press F(x), (F1,F2,F3 …) to select the soldier in K menu. Meaning if you are in the first (F1) and want the nine soldier press F9, the K(x) are hotkeys inside the K menu system, use T to select the soldiers,
Fire Team.
If in menu control you place multiply soldier in one hotkey, they will become a fire team. Be wise to use this to group all your assaulters, or splint they in two teams of two. You can either build our hotkeys in control menu either inside or outside the battlefield in case you want to change something, use the control menu inside the battlefield before you spawn it will help your life. A Soldier can be in multiple Hot keys, it means that the second assaulter can be F2 hot key, but also in F8 fire teams. Multiple hot keys will help you select they in group or individual, the Fire team structure can be only access by hot key, leaving K for L button move around.
Standard Formation
In the structure menu, you either place they in center, Right flank, left flank, Rear, or front. They come in all soldiers in center has default. Fell free to place your gunner in the rear, your troopers in front, or whatever you want to do.
----------Behavior Alt orders-------
Behavior commands.
The passive elements are important has much the active ones. No always you soldiers require a direct order in the heat. The behavior always come in 3 levels, that determine the dose of what they do. There are 3 behavior that are element to the game
Tactical Spacing (wide, Standard, Close)
Cover (Defensive, Standard, Move stance)
Engagement (Fire at will, Return Fire, Cease fire)
The combination of this 3 make different behaviors, whit is interesting, most of then are in game. Has for engagement orders, they got the name of Aggressive and Passive, but I guess the names above are more technical.
If you want to cross a river use Cease fire, wide and Dynamic
Wiling to craw to other position? Close, Defensive and Return fire.
Has you can see the Move stance will make soldiers do not get down, making the venerable but more mobility
Has defensive will make they always Crouch or Crawl making they slower but less expose and less venerable
------------Alt quick orders------------
Hold position order
Hold position is only a more static individual move order, important for dynamic cover tactics. There are tree types of ways to give a hold position order and all of then are important to properly work. Hold position will NOT disappear in any situation salvo press X to cancel all orders. Meaning that even follow me order will not cancel this order.
- Press Alt and hold position And a hold position order will appear in the feat of the soldier you controlling making it ideal for manual place your sniper in the roof of a building. Always making able to switch him if you need some more cover or the eyes of your team.
- If you use Hold the line, instead of the soldier you controlling all green order will become blue, and the squad will hold their position, if in any case they need to move for any reason they will do so and will return to the position, for example you can still use grenade orders and other offensive ones, has soon they finished it, they will return to the position.
- And obvious the individual K menu hold position order, by pressing X for 2 secs, it will be a blue order and it will be a hold position order instead of a green order.
Spread out quick command
If you don,t like the tactical spacing you troops are in the suppression fire situation, use spread out command in alt menu, the soldiers will spread has much they can be even two times more spreader that the wide formation. Useful for rain of grenades has well.
Has you can see your soldiers will spread has much they can, in order to avoid grenade rain. You just press alt and spread out man, and they will do so.
Take Cover quick command
Like the spread out, it order you soldier to find cover, the great idea is that this command will be in the same place in the circle that spread out is, meaning that if you press the left mouse button you will use spread out, if you press the right mouse bottom you will use take cover quick command, making easy to use both but will not be always the necessary to do so. Has different situations demand different ideas.
Follow me and Regroup quick command.
Has for Follow me, it will have in the right mouse button the regroup quick command, that will make all the soldier sprint to your position. The follow me will cancel the order and make they follow you, both will be in the Alt menu same place use either Right mouse or Left mouse to select it. The follow me command WILL not work in hold position soldiers. Only by pressing X without the individual menu selection you able to undone a hold position order.
-------Map move/Spot orders--------
Map simple move order.
Use the X moue bottom while pressing Alt to access advance menu in map control, if you press X in one position they will move there simple but useful, double X and they will sprint to the position useful for the 45 seconds in the start of the game.
Simple map spot.
Press V, and spot in the map. It will spot like you spot in a position, if you press V they will suppress fire that position. Like they do in collective selection mode. If you right press the mouse button in Alt spot system it will open a menu that will allow you to spot different markers, that allow your team to identify it’s either a tank, sniper, full squad or single soldier. The markers will be different for the directly spotted ones, so will be no dynamic of the tank moving and the marker moving whit it.
Checkpoints Construction. And checkpoint advance and retreat order.
Use Alt to select checkpoint creation mode, press 1, 2, 3 … to select the check point you want to place, making it easer to construct, once they done press Page up to confirm, or page down to make a ‘’control Z’’, after they finished you can use Page up to make soldier advance to the next checkpoint or page down to retreat, useful for movement planning or hit and run tactics. Also interesting for a quick charge after the arty fall since if you press Page up twice times quick they will enter in a sprint order.
Request Map order.
Place request orders by using left mouse bottom the select either you want engineers build from Rally points to AAA stationary guns, even Arty either smoke or heat shells will be able, this will better connect you to your team. Use it wisely.