The Best Gun In Enlisted

i saw u writing for like 10 mins cause you go full mental with walls of text trying to prove a mute point. while you scream you cant have that blah blah its not historical you push your point with out comprise then say i suck cause i don’t share your stupid opinion



yea you are glad to see ya

Im direct. Unlike you I want to stick to the topic. Unlike you I also try to avoid writing with AIDS English all the time because I have some sort of dignity and respect to others.
And well, we can see why your posts are so fast written.

Well. When it comes to the performance of the 76mm or the Tiger, you never ever responded but flagged the post(s).
Obi Wan - So uncivilized


i quit having respect for you when u quit trying to comprise and when u say the m10 3.3 is fine against a panther at 5.3 that not biased at all. you are not direct at all you dance around with walls of text just proves how biased you are

not much and there nothing you can say to change my mind
i have respect for some one who has respect for me but on here on the forum i quit being nice it gets you nowhere

  • The Tiger is worse and your wiki stats were proving my point.
  • 76mm is good enough to kill a Tiger and a Panther. WT proved my point.
  • The roof kit isnt even WW2 stuff.
  • The FG existed since OBT started, but the Yankees are suddendly constanst losing due to it like half a year later
  • You only play Yankees/ your data collection is not reliable.
  • You flagged down posts
  • You PMed me like a Lappen

Still too much text for your? Still too complicated?


this is your opinion its better at ranges than panther so that makes it better

not really just because its ok can do do it don’t mean its good but again your bias is showing

again you have no idea what your talking about to the point im not justifying your points here

i only msged you to save your breath i don’t care about your opinion others here don’t care what you think so save me the time of responding to you and see your self out and save your mental health while you still can cause its to late for me

Dude. I posted the wiki stats three times already. Three times. The Tiger H1 was 4mm better at the range at 2500m+, but a) sucked on all other ranges and b) loses with the APCBC on all ranges. (which is iirc the main shell of the Germans in Enlisted).
Guess too much text lol.

Can pen the mantlet and the mg port of the Panther and the whole hull front of the Tiger. But yeah, flagging the screenshots down makes it harder to read I guess.

This is not a argument. A weapon which is always OP should lead to wins all the time.

Yet you still reply to me.
And you still flagged posts down.

Other points are not existing I guess.

dude i don’t understand how you don’t understand m10 3.3 panther is 5.3
it should be the m 36 is 5.3 and so is panther that’s balanced

Asymmetrical balance. Not the best but you can pen the mantlet which is enough. US will eventually get the 76mm Sherman and the M18 (meanwhile the Germans will get the Panzer IV 70 eventually which is a downgrade).

no we better get m36 or jumbo 76

Get real. We wont. The M18 is already in the files iirc and the 76mm Sherman too. Either adapt or die/ quit.

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that’s where your wrong they listen to community around here

Yeah… You are not long around here, aren’t you?

Plus why is a 76mm Jumbo okay, while 76mm still sucks hard according to him plus the fact that the Panther still can pen it like butter? Pure placebo.

But huh, never saw it in the files. My apologies.

it would operate like firefly does now

He doesn’t blame it on one gun
Pointing something out as broken isn’t “blaming all your us losses on one thing”


Oh. I forget the Panther which isnt even spammed. Yeah… game/ win loss ratio changing…
I mean. I fear more the StG and the MG34 than the FG.

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He’s still 100% right that something needs to be done about it, but there are other spastic things that need fixing too.