The Best Gun In Enlisted

I mean, you could get like 30 kills with 1 bolt-action if you have really good aim.

the m2 has a much higher rate of fire apart it is not difficult to kill someone in this game, learn to play that you should do and not complain

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M2 also has horrible visual recoil completely obscuring your target more often than not making it a literal pray and spray

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in 7/12 minute yes, in 1 minute no


i am not here to justify the fg being available to everyone.

because i made my decisions, and i still think about my original ideas.

but it does not justify to make one side even better just because y has x.
( so to speak ).

just because fgs are given to everyone, doesn’t mean it’s right, and the ally need johnson rifles be given to everyone.

that would throw the already crambling balance out of the window.

and just because the fg is a thing, does not justify the introduction of newer think to be used at the same level and use the exscuse that the fg just does that.

it’s a bad example, and the issue it should not be enlarged with new weapons.

but that’s what i think.
( and seems i’m not the only one )


what do you even mean by this? if you are saying that m2 has a higher rof then you’re flat out wrong, it has the same base rof as FG42 but can’t get upgraded like fg42 can


It’s incredible to me that I literally made an entire video showing exactly how this statement is utterly untrue and yet people still try to say it.


You are right, I just checked, it is that I have not tried the FG and the m2 I feel that it gives the sensation of a higher rate of fire

So my video that openly shows me using the weapon at long range with zero issues doesn’t prove that the weapon can be used at long range with zero issues?

Got it.


The Allies used to sealclub the Germans despite the existence of the FG.
Now they dont.
It was definetly the FG.

If he would be good, he wouldnt blame US losses/ his losses on one gun and a tank all the time which is owned by a small minority of the Germans (like I said the FG was a thing since OBT start iirc and back there the Germans have been slaughtered all the time despite this “OP” gun and that was even before its ammo nerf). Hmm I guess as long as your own faction wins all the time, everything is fine (at least for our not totally Yankee-biased Woody).


All of them either used by the Free Frenchs (iirc in Africa), some Dutch Exil forces (Asia), U.S. Marine units (Asia) and a U.S. special force unit (which fought with it in Italy).
Ohh I forgot. You had this one picture from 1943 as a evidence that it was used on D-Day.
While FG saw (100% more compared to Johnson guns) usage on D-Day.

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Maybe that could be a false sense because you do get to see the bolt actually move on the m2c

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I don’t think the Johnson should be added as a counter to the FG42, because introducing an OP gun to counter an OP gun is just dumb (like Erika said). Again, just adding an automatic rifleman class that can use the auto rifles like the Johnson, BAR, or FG42 would be fine. Or at the least, it’s a jumping off point for balance down the road



In burst mode the fire rate is close to 800. With a damage of 10.1.
That’s all, best weapon, case closed. It’s better than FG42 and more polyvalant than an MG42.

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Except you’re limited to just one of these (or two if you transfer). Also it’s damage fall off is worse which I personally think makes it worse but /shrug.


I said this multiple times already, too.

I’m just getting tired that we repeatedly talk about the same issues and repeat the same points. The time, he waste with us… he could troll the devs with it, which would be far more useful than getting trolled by us.

Like we are trapped in a time warp or sth.


Ideally the developers see us constantly discuss these issues and actually take action.

But I suppose that didn’t really work with the Jumbo and other issues so who knows


Without discussing overall balance and limitations, I would like to share my opinion on counters:

Berlin is fine.

FG-42 vs Johnson LMG or BAR
StG-44 vs M2 Carbine


Well. The Germans sucked hard before Tunisia came. Why did the Germans lose despite the FG/ why did USA win despite FG issue?

But why did you lied to me then with your pic? Why did you tried to persuade me that the M36 roof kit was historical despite it wasnt historical?
You always switch your arguments and whenever you reach a point of no return, you go ADHS mode.

Woody: M18 sucks because armor an open roof.
Me: But the M36 is open too and has crap armor.
Woody: No. There were historical roof kits. I got this from WoT.
Me: The kit wasnt issued until war ended and the WoT M36 isnt even a reprensentabe M36 tank and not in WT.
Woody: You are biased.

Woody: The FG is as historical as the Johnson. Johnson was used on D-Day.
Me: No.
Woody: No. It was.
Me: Prove it.
Woody: Here.
Me: That pic is from 1943. Here are pics from FGs used during D-Day fights.
Woody: You are biased.

Woody: 76mm is shit.
Me: 76mm can pen the mantlet and the mg port…
Woody: You are biased.

Woody: Tiger would be OP.
Me. No. The Tiger gun has worse pen values and armor.
Woody: No. Look at wiki.
Me: Your wiki stats are proving that the Panther gun penetrates better than Tiger and the 76mm guns can pen the whole front hull because its not slope.
Woody: You are biased and I flag down the WT protection screenshots because its advertisment.

And wasnt you the one who PMed me to stop answering you, threatened me to abuse the report/ flag function (again) and said that you will never ever response me again?..
Obi Wan - So uncivilized


Lol. Remember the time, where people said Berlin is disfunctional?