The Battle of Guadalcanal

That is a somewhat petty argument.
Have some patience, and if you want try making some yourself.

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And you can look at model kit box art.

Most of what you linked contains Axis artwork.

And the ones that don’t are still appropriate. Today’s event shows the Guadalcanal campaign, which was a major US victory, therefore it makes sense to depict US troops. Or VE Day, why would you have Axis artwork for an event celebrating their total defeat?

This is a video game, no need to take it that seriously. Not having as much axis artwork as you desire is an insignificant detail that doesn’t change the game for the better.

I have a HUGE list of things I’d rather see worked on than artwork for one side or the other.



This was the absolutely perfect time to bring in that new pacific map perhaps even guadalcanal itself as some were saying? sadly i guess it needed some more polishing
 wasted oportuniy, im afraid.
but anyway its better to wait it out than go glitching out of the map randomly

What kind of BS ‘‘Event’’ is this? These small whatever you wanna call em or really nothing? Battle of Guadalcanal was an event, ok
 here is a sale on previous Premium exclusive, again for an exclusive time period, and thro in some random quest for some 1 token rewards for a currency soon obsolete and probably gonna be equivalent of a 1% of upcoming buys.
You not even make event has to be in Pacific Campaign.
You can’t put in News: Battle of Guadalcanal! and then you look at said news VERY much excited, only to find out it’s this kind of BS.
If you make event, make it proper, and make event in appropriate campaign, and come with something new

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Could you please show me which one references axis artwork from their perspective not the allies.

And some people want equality not everyone but some And I can’t remember where at the moment but someone once Sent to me somewhere that someone has to play the bad guy so we’re gonna be playing the bad guy can we at least have more artwork so it’s not just appealing to 1 side of the war

Battle of Königsberg, for one. Took me 16 seconds to find. And that’s not including the various events that depict/celebrate the Axis.

Once again, this does not matter. It’s nothing more than artwork. This is not something worthy of complaints.

And I’m sorry, I’m really trying to hear you out but all I see you doing is complaining about how hard the Axis supposedly have it, even up to “they don’t get enough art”. It makes it very hard to take you seriously when you are so wildly biased towards one side.


This is from the allies perspective not the Germans

I don’t know what you mean by axis perspective. These type of art doesn’t have that kind of perspective. You want like a pov of a German soldier or something?

Either way, my point remains. This is a petty complaint and there are better things to worry about than promotional artwork.


yes I would like a pov version for the axis because most of them seem to be focusing from the allies perspective not the axis.

And if this game wants more players it’s good to have a equality.

British Matilda in a Germans tank sights.

German perspective of a Stug III destroying an allied vehicle.


Anniversary of Rhinemetall is another recent one


Equality doesn’t happen because of promotional artwork. It’s the actual gameplay experience of each faction that matters.

In other words, players are not going to be steered away because there is more event artwork for the Allies. Like I said, it’s a very insignificant detail that most people won’t care about.


Reloading BArifle with one in chamber still not right
Also having AI build rallies would help alot with the skill issues people have - would literally make AI better than most humans that play though lol, still.

You should play the game, bots already build rallies and ammo boxes. Medic bots also drop med crates and heal you when not in combat

in the event tab you stated that the premium pacific squads will be on sale and i thinked you give us some discount but no you just add them back for 30 buck per squad are you crazy they used to cost 35bucks when there were in bundle this is just marketing move that its outrages to just ask for 120 bucks for that money i can buy some of the newest games (i know these sales make the most of youre salery but 30 bucks per squad is just too much)


Are there anything wrong with recoil after this daily update? I find it that the recoil of my auto-gun is quite different with what they behave before. If there is any changes, publish an annoucement and let us talk on that. If it is a bug, please fix it. Hope to the reply of team members.


I had the same problem. Hope to the reply of team members.

What’s the plan after this event?
Keep looping all kinds of events to delay new content/progression update as much as possible?

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