The Battle of Britain Day

Usually it does and also paratroopers planes.


Nice to have Events, but really the reward is an ugly fox decal, please let me know how that is representative of Battle of Britain?
Seems like all of these mini events are just grind quests to have players onlineā€¦ ?
Why not have the quests tied to playing british and german planes when itā€™s Battle of Britain event? and the rewards can be a skin from Battle of Britain for Spitfire and Bf 109? You know make it feel like a real Event that gives something that ties in with the Anniversay of said Event.
Just play random few kills and get a fox.
What makes me playing Japanese and with MG kill 70 Americans in the jungle make me feel like Iā€™m in remembrance of the Battle of Britain? and then hereā€™s a fox decal? whatā€¦
Iā€™m sorry, to get some extra ordes is always welcome but really, all these mini events have been mediocre and feel less than inspiring


Hi sadly i cant, i dont have a ps4 :slight_smile:

If possible, please , report issues here: // Issues
One issue , one report with all and maximal details possible .:slight_smile: I m sure a tester with console will see it soon enough :slight_smile:

Thank you!

Yes, it should count, since for normal plane kill tasks, AI/Paratrooper planes count.

Gajin once again fails with a dopey fox decal as your only reward. They have entered the same realm ā€œhey we noticed you play alot, but we made a promo thats so bad you have no choice on our picks.ā€ Pay to play for these developers.


That is true. Main reward could be better.

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Would be cool if we saw these kinds of rewards:

  • 3, 5, or 7 day premium XP pass
  • Extra squad slots for random campaigns/factions (the extra slot is permanent)
  • 25, 50, 75, or 100 gold
  • random vehicle camouflage for random factions/campaigns
  • random vehicle cosmetic add-ons, for random factions/campaigns

No its not possible, that site wont let you create a report unless you download a file and game replay from the console platform, when selecting the icons to browse files, it gives error messege: not available. Alas you cant send issue report without those required items. That needs to be changed for platform users, maybe you could relay that to whomever needs to know? ALOT OF CONSOLE PLAYERS DONT HAVE ACCESS TO PC PLATFORM to do those things, not yelling, just emphasising the issue of trying to report a bug from a console platform, since the change of reporting bugs was implemented, ps4 platform CAN NOT report a bug from the console. As you see its NOT easier to report issues as was what the change was supposed to adress. Maybe you could let it be known? If not, maybe you could hook me up with a ps4 tester whom could help? Thanks for the help

It is easy to do videos on console, we have a screen capture and video capture up to last mins, then share to your linked YouTube account, then copy link into body of CBR post, it is what I do Everytime.

There is no need to download replays, that is far too long winded, vid cap> ensure share to YouTube>click on your channel where it saves your videos>share / copy link of vid simple (takes 2 mins tops!)


I even do this out of game once shared (uploaded) video to YT, I can use CBR on mobile and do rest in there, I find it quicker and easier

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Thanks for your help, yes i know it is easy to capture video and screen shots on ps platform, however, i dont have a YouTube account and dont want one. This is my point, we should NOT have to go to ANY different platforms to report a issue with the game, it is absolutely ridiculous that this is the case. The point i am making is not outlandish, its plain and simple common sense. One shouldnt have to go elsewhere to report a bug, regardless of what platform you use, period.

On the bug report website you can upload mp4 files so no need to use YT. I donā€™t know what is the size limit though (itā€™s very small on the forum).

YT account was free, I donā€™t want one but easiest method, but np up to you mate :+1:

This might be irrelevant but when is the progression rework happening? Will the MP 717 (r) be removed?

We donā€™t know exactly when, but yes, captured ppsh41 will be removed from shop. Youā€™ll keep those you bought, thought.

Conscript spotted!

Weekend ā€¦



Soon and yes, MP 717 (r) will not be obtainable after merge


Iā€™ll meme as usual for as long as I canā€¦

Til I get banned for no apparent reason one last time by some mysterious individual who is unable to grasp the concept of a satire.

You know what they say, ā€œCarpe Diemā€



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Yes i know it is free, and again thanks for the info, but again my point is that whatever platform a player is using, they should be be able to report bugs or issues from that platform. It is extremely ridiculous that it is not possible. Its 2023 ffs, get with the times devs, or is doing things half assed still the russian way?


We need fox name decorators next, maybe a Desert Fox event for Tunisia, along with a good smg event squad for Tunisia axis, who desperately needs it.

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