The BAR Crusade was completely justified







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He was talking about the FG-42-2 recoil which he believes benifits from vertical recoil reduction. I guess he only uses it semi auto?

Even at that, it doesn’t matter. Since the BAR is not hitting it’s targets when aiming at them while the FG 42 is, it really makes the recoil stat worthless against the FG 42, semi-auto or full auto.

FG42 II isn’t even a real advantage, Soviets have AVT-40 and US has M2 Carbine.
Most people who never played FG42 has no idea how handicapped it is by recoil, most difficult to use SF rifle. I do own all of them and my favourite is AVT-40 because of its versatility and potential to be the best SF with trigger discipline.
My least liked is M2 Carbine mostly due to its lack of range.

This isn’t a -insert faction- suffers post.
All factions on BR5 has SF rifles and all of them are unique.
M2 Carbine fills the role of assault weapon for infantry, the trade off is that US has this but no AR.
AVS and AVT has the most range out of all SF and highest damage. These rifles complemeted ppsh41s well but have small mag and least ammo.
FG42 is the most balanced stat wise, in the midway between allied weapons. The trade off is insane recoil and jack of all trades but master of none syndrome.

The problem with adding every faction its own FG42 that it takes away Germany’s uniqueness, why play Germany than when you can do the same with Soviets who even have AVT and Fedorov.


Are you sure it isn’t the unholy camera that causes my sights to obscure my aim? I don’t have this issue in other games, so why is Enlisted the only one to do this to me?


i did say this before, and ill say it again, the fg42 should be restricted to specific squads, such as luftwaffe paratrooper squads which are found to be plentiful in the game, i dont mean the premium paratrooper squads btw

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I could never get into the FG’s in auto. It’s been a (long) while, maybe I’ll try it. I never had issues with the AVT or M2 but just preferred rapid semi with FG and FGII.

Interesting to see if 1.5 - 2y experience changes that.

I admit I didnt really read much.

but if this is about giving the BAR the FG42 treatment…I am against it

I would prefer the FG42 to get the BAR treatment (limited to either MG gunner or Para)

and riflemen to be semi Autos or rifles, not select fire…but thats just me


Not just you.


Personally I think auto weapons should be limuted to assaulters and gunners as that’s the whole point of those classes.

Though I guess I’m in minority. If only this idea was popular so that devs implement it (because they do listen to our feedback).


add another upvote…never saw that one…was before I could be bothered with forums…


I had only started playing 3 months prior to this thread (and didn’t play much at that time).

Interesting read. Seems like in many ways that not much has changed but that oversimplifies it.

I will consider…

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Well, the US deserves a one hit kill “automatic rifle” like AVT and FG.

The Johnson at BR5 for all soldiers would have made perfect sense.


It was created just after CBT ended and OBT started (when devs came up with this idea). So it’s quite ancient.

Also I just realised they have added 4 classes since then, all with auto weapons as primary. Moar daka!


I would only be for that, if semi autos perform like they did in CBT - much faster rate of fire, no deviation.

Otherwise they dont make sense past BR3.


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thus we would kill two birds with one stone


You have been active a long time :stuck_out_tongue:

I was too busy playing at this point to look at forums. But i like your thoughts…

Pitty its not how it went

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I joined the forum to ask for bipod mechanic that didn’t exist back then. And here I am, 3y later with almost the same request.

I need to do something in a bus and playing a PC game is not a possibility :upside_down_face:


so nerf one class into oblivion (rifleman) - to add a new class (auto-rifleman) yeah that is a great idea i am sure the company would love that

what is idea two (assaulter) is nerfed taking away any smg with any mag over 30 rounds and give them to a new class (high capacity - assaulter)