The Anti Personnel Mines have to stop

This game is completely ruined by Anti Personnel mines. You try to take a point and there is mines everywhere. No skill is involved in them. Please flat out remove this zero skill gimmick.


no, just removing them wouldn’t be a good solution, since alot of people wouldnt like that, i say theres 3 proper solutions:

-mines are restricted to certain specialized classes
-mines are given setup and arming animations
-mines cant be planted anywhere, just soil.
-unless there is special mines that you dont put in the ground, then they would require a gimmick to set up, so they cant be spammed.


The crybaby cries again
Thanks to the efforts of outstanding landmine experts


just limit them max 2 on the ground / user.

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If you pay attention when taking a point u can see them and shoot them and I’ve used them and they sometimes don’t even kill the Target, I’ve survived ap mines


Just use artillery to remove them


What needs to happen is that the mines need to be directly stepped on in order for them to go off, not purely by them getting close to the mine. Then, the players can get close enough to un-arm the mine (there will have to be a defusing animation). This also applies if the mine has a tripwire, and the tripwire will be visible as well.

Since the Japanese don’t have a mine that uses a tripwire, they can dig punji traps. This is corroborated by USAFPOA intelligence reports. Of course, only engineers will be able to do this.





Blud just has an skill, issue, they are so easy to dodge, also buff anti tank mines


It seems you must have a skill issue when I put them right beside every entryway like this so there is no dodging them.

I am a smart cookie…


Ha ha
I often step on them
I hate those enemies who let me die due to their own negligence
Then I’ll do the same thing to them


Personally, I don’t think they should be eliminated,

but I think they would work very well if they function exclusively as a trap cable, or can only be placed directly on the ground, and not on other surfaces.

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This, this is great, but then people would complain anyway. I would love to see their reaction when they find out warfare isn’t fair.

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It’s us or them after all

LOOOOL I’m sure this guy created the post because he took a squad wipe climbing a ladder hahaha

ghrrr : mines on every step

I forgot to mention it or it could be that you were born in a rally with mine

forget what I said it’s just a joke, I don’t need mines to clear newbies

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another day in the cry hate of mines

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How about the OP starting to actually use mines himself instead?


Nah, he sound like hasn’t unlock the mines yet or even know how to use them.

Most likely, don’t have the coin to buy more then one :rofl: :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed: :money_mouth_face:

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You’ve been playing for so long and you haven’t learned to watch your step yet?


Cry babies just too weak for this game.