That's what you call a late join

So this is getting ridiculous lately with how you can be put into a battle that is almost finished before you even spawn for the first time. I don’t remember it being this bad before, like it got worse with the latest major update.

This is what I saw right after joining the game, it ended not longer than 2 minutes later, I wasn’t even able to run to the last cap zone. Good that I only had 50% boost as it was a total waste of it anyway. This was my 2nd so late join just today.

Here we go again, I just started next battle, and what I see again with 50% boost

Ended in about 1minute from my first spawn.


you must’ve been just incredibly unlucky, i’ve done 50 japan battles now and haven’t got this bad at all.

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I had the same experience. I forgot to take a screenshot, but the moment I entered the game, there were less than 600 tickets left.
It took less than a minute for me to queue, for the matchmaker to find the game, and for the game to load.
I remember reading somewhere that if you join a game mid-game, you can only join the match within 2 minutes of the game starting, but I can’t imagine spending 400 tickets within 2 minutes of the game starting. Something must have happened with the matchmaker.

same, game we just finish, i think i had a few in a row, and all morning

how this still happens IDK

I checked the replays and here are my results:

Guadalcanal Coast West (Invasion): Enlisted
First show up on the scoreboard was at 9:46 min (connecting to the server) together with 4 other players 3 on USA and 2 (me included) on Japan. So yea, we were thrown into a battle almost 10 minutes after first players have joined, and the battle ended less than 3 minutes after spawn.

New Georgia (Confrontation): Enlisted
First show up on the scoreboard was at 8:07 min (connecting to the server), battle ended about 2 minutes after spawn.

This is not normal, or rather it should not be.

Yeah. That’s bad. Much worse than before (which was still very irritating).

beat this one, spawned in less than 500 tickets left, what is going on today?

end results say game went for 18mins, no way in **** world, did i play more than 5 min

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WTF IS going on??? this is BS
I just spawn in, got to place to lay rally, rally built game over GET F&^&$%^&$#%^

Wait till my replays appear, FF what is this.

I made a suggestion for this - perhaps you can add to it and keep it in front of hte moderators’ eyes!!

1 Minute 14 seconds for me between joining and losing a 250% boost.

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extreme unlucky?,yesterday 3 in a row, with first or second point captured dude xD