I just wanted to say thank you to the devs and community for the good times I´ve had in this game! I´ve put more than 1k hours into this game and really enjoyed it… to a certain point… Now that more and more players use “stuff” I´m not allowed to talk about here… I´ve decided to move on. Today i finally uninstalled Enlisted and I will never look back. But i still want to thank you for the good times we had before certain"stuff" was distibuted freely and all of a sudden everybody started one-shotting and wiping whole teams in seconds over and over consistantly. I hope you guys, who are left that don´t resort to using certain “stuff” that instantly makes you a god at this game, still have fun and enjoy! GG and BB guys !
Weird flex, but okay.
If you’re on about suspected cheating, then there are a plethora of tools to report them.
You do you, I guess.
No one´s “cheating” here!.. It´s just a skill issue mate, don´t you know? Get gud!.. lol *plethora of tools… lol yes There are many, many “tools” in this game for sure lolol
If it isn’t a passive-aggressive point of cheating, what is the point of this post then?
It´s simply to thank the community for the good times I´ve had , before my “skill issue” finally caught up with me. Like i said. So thank you broskis sistros!
Still don’t get it, sorry.
And yes, there are a plethora of tools to report suspected cheaters.
Report them in–game via the scoreboard, report them via the replay system, report them via the staff members, myself included… I still don’t understand your “point”.
Nobody has mentioned your so-called “skill-issue” or told you to “get gud”.
I genuinely want to understand your point here.
Cheaters are super rare in this game and they get caught rather quickly.
Especially if they’re reported, no?
Wow really, after well over 1 k hours in this game I never knew there were so many ways to report suspected cheaters…I “definately” didnt try because I wish I would have known earlier… lol … Well, that only speaks for my skill issue and obliviousness to all the perfectly working tools this awesome game offers to ensure fairplay. Yep thats on me, i guess… so the community hasnt lost anything of value i me. Just another unskileed player that doesnt know about all the great tools this game has… oh well …
Your passive-aggressiveness shines through.
Again, nobody is questioning your ability, I just want to understand your gripes.
Man, you sound like my ex-missus.
who would’ve thought that cheat machine could bypass battleye lol
The replay tool is great for this, I can watch the game from the "cheater"s perspective only to find out I was killed by his bot XD.
Once I did see a dude with suspicious camera movement as if it always locked on the target nearest to the cursor, I reported him, never seen him in a match again.
Once in my entire play time, thats not bad at all.
I know right? Like there’s an anti-cheat that is 100% foolproof…
I don´t get why you compare me to your Ex? Are you gay? If so, good for you, im not judging. My point still stands if you enjoy the game, good for you as well. Let me say thank you to the community for the good old times! And let me move on.
Alas, the replay system isn’t completely accurate. It’s a decent indicator, but it isn’t infallible.
Nah, you’re done, chap. Good luck with your endeavours. This thread is closed.
PS. Don’t be a dick.