Thanks for the economy changes

Just appreciation. Back to the good olde days but with the benefits of new content. Appreciate it. Back to playing.


I agree with you - though I’ve only been playing about 4 months - love these changes! Especially friendly and welcoming to new players.

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I agree with OP. Decent changes, and a great step in the right direction in helping new players advance the tech-trees.


Yeah, the economy fix was great, however it would be nice if some of the games were actually playable as we’re back to 80% ass kicking games once again, no matter what faction I play. Either my team clubs the enemy, or they club us, but very few games are competitive. I thought they were fixing it months ago, and for a brief time it was better, but then they went back to their soft rule, and the matches are shit again. Sorry to be a negative Nancy, but all the fixes in the world won’t help if the games aren’t good. :wink: