Thank you for this engaging gameplay

Please note the ammount of teammates who (excluding me):

  1. Did any useful amount of capping - less than 40% of the match, including one babyrager
  2. Had useful amount of engineering contribution - 10%, further 20% have engineering score but never built an actually useful rally (and we never had more than 2 up, despite the fact that the enemy was rallykilling ruthlessly)
  3. Vehicle kills - my score and kills are mostly inflated by intercepting bombing runs - 20% of the teammates did anything about the endless tanks slaughtering us
  4. General usefulness - good 50% of the match had negative contribution to the fight, meaning, game would actually be easier to win if they left and let bots take over, because they will actually, you know, attack

There is nothing more fun for the people actually trying to play than actually fighting through hordes of defenders, getting to the capzone still blocked, opening the map and seeing good 50% of the team solidly refusing to leave spawn and actually play the fucking game

It is also very fun and enjoyable to the defenders, because they get to sit right by the grayzone and wait for ā€œattackersā€ to actually move. Thrilling stuff.


Thatā€™s what you get for tryharding casual game, lmao.


Do you wanna know a secret?

This happens to every player in this game whoā€™s queuing solo.


I know, which makes it doubly annoying. You can clearly tell when there is a 4 stack against you and the game in itā€™s infinite wisdom will also sometimes put two 4-stacks in on one side.

I thought the objective of the game is to play it?
Between leavers, stacking and negative contribution players (who for some reason seem to have been coddled recently) it is really no wonder the game is in a bad place

soā€¦ what? the dude should just sit in a tank and AFK? is that how we should play the game instead of trying to win? is that what youā€™re suggesting?

please explain how to play this casual game instead.

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It happens, itā€™s a casual game after all. It can be frustrating, but losing is part of the game too.

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There are no casual games when you can tryhard them

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Another prime example why score needs to be performance based

Iā€™m not upset about loosing.
Iā€™d rather never win a game again if I could trade it for games where you could tell everyone was honestly trying to play.
Iā€™d rather loose a hard fought match vs winning by default since half of enemy defending team ragequit after they loose one or two caps, or even because their vehicle got blown up

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try pacific allies
you will enjoy
i promised :smirk:

It is the act of enjoying the match that some wish to partake in. Yes there is incentive to win in terms of XP, but it is far more enjoyable for some to sit back and take pot shots at the enemy.

What server you play on. Iā€™ll team up with you. I play solo 90% of the time