Testing the next update (May 2nd)

It has a 2.4 s reload since it comes fully upgraded (cause BP weapon) and has a 2s tactical reload which is quite fast though


Weapons in editor are not upgraded.
Default reload is 2.4 sec, tactical reload is 2.0 sec, fits the definition of quick reloading to me


That’s stupid.

This is why I will never be able to be an actual sniper in Enlisted : (

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Ivan drinking

I can’t even with this game

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Hey pal, I just shot at static unresponsive targets in perfect conditions, sure as heck I’m not that efficient in matches.

If you are hitting 70% to 80% of your shots’ static targets, how much more will the dispersion affect you when you hit moving targets?


In my experience, in battle I probably hit on average with half of my shots, but given the superior dispersion it largely depends on the distance of engagement. Plus, there’s the universal issue of bots running around and changing direction with absolutely zero momentum, thus making all snipers’ life miserable.

The whole point I’ve been trying to stand is that I’m aware that in its CURRENT state the sniper FG will probably lose a sniper duel against a distant enemy behind cover. But still, the high ROF (with moderate recoil) and large mag make it useful against multiple targets. So it isn’t useless, at the very least it can be considered a sidegrade.

In practical terms:

If you’re fighting for the bridge objective in Berlin and you camp with a sniper FG from a window on one side of the river, you’ll be at a disadvantage against a Russian sniper who does the same on the other side, but you’ll be very effective at engaging the squads that cross in tbe open while running to the point.
Just don’t expect to land every single shot. Bring a large ammo pouch, and blast away.

If you are testing a sniper rifle, test its headshot rate, not the hits in the body area.
Besides, if a maxed-out semi-auto doesn’t hit 100% headshots, it’s some kind of bad-quality SMG, not a rifle (while it was an elite rifle made mostly from milled parts, so at least it should be among the most accurate weapons in the game to reflect that - we are not playing Fortnite but a WW2 game). Apart from that, unlocking (for tons of hard-earned exp) the supposedly best rifle in the tech tree and getting a weapon of worse quality (in every aspect besides the clip size) than the previous ones is a horrendous disappointment and quite a bad player experience.

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Anyone got the definitive response on what items this next season is giving? I know all about the BP items. But if I recall we were getting some tanks and other things in the tree.

All the things we know so far
T34-57 (1943)TT
I-185 TT
T34-100 event
Whirlwind Mk1 event
T20 early rifle TT
Sig Ke-7 TT
And yes another season where Germany barely gets anything


Then don’t use it and wait for a fix one year or another.


Get the best you can out of it now, and if it ever becomes more accurate, all the better.

It’s as simple as that.

based on your recent posts, I assume you mean using the FG as an assault rifle to get the best of it. Well, that wouldn’t do anyway, there are still better guns for this role. I tried using FG in full auto, to clear the rooms - it burns through the ammo too quickly, has too much recoil to maintain a steady aim along the burst, and the ammo reserve holds much less damage than when I take a StG44 or an MP-717. None of my soldiers has an FG (scoped or not, metal or wooden stock, all the same). Even the G43 is better for medium to close combat because of the higher base damage and 2.0s reload time (it also does a better job from a longer distance - again, higher base dmg and significantly lower dispersion that gives me trust in aiming for the head.)

You know what was it good for? One thing - fighting zombies in the April Fools event. That’s where full auto helped, but only when the zombies were lined up in a dense crowd on a bridge, otherwise it was a huge ammo waster.

Yeah, that’s the only option I see as reasonable in the current state of things.

Thats okay. Im sure when its turn comes around again, Its going to be a ripper!! (hopefully in the form of sub nation equipment!)

No it’s not, DF is just lazy to implement more things and use excuses.




Comrades, thank you for testing this update, thread now is closed!