Testing the next update (February 14)

Instead of nerfing grenade launchers you should buff the anti-infantry mines. They are a joke, taking 25%hp or less when the soldier is not directly in the center of explosion. I once survived 2 mines on a row with one soldier, without even getting downed. The damage is worse than pathetic.

@GeneralBrus do you like hearing the mine you planted go “boom” in the distance without getting anything in the kill field? Taking an anti-infantry mine to battle became a waste of backpack space.


The tank lost the recoil from the cannon, Tiger II at least. Feels like shooting a little laser instead of 88mm, the tank does not shake at all

the mines were nerfed because they were annoying to deal with, especially because they dont trigger when friendlies run over them, which means 1 team can run around and be aggressive inside of a mine field while the enemy team has to be careful and check the floors

I think AP mines would be good if they were restricted to engineers only, and then you can buff them to be as powerful as you want

It is impossible for AP mines to exist while being both powerful and spammable. Either they need to be weak and spammable, or strong and not spammable


Yes, because that means I know where my enemy is at - which makes me turn around and kill him before he sneaks up on me.

Also i don’t place just one mine, also if you want to be super cheeky place a AT mine ontop of a AP mine and you’ll have an even stronger mine than before the nerf.

AP mines are still used, still very effective and very fast to deploy - all the nerf did was making them less spamable because people need to put more effort into having the same result - which was the real issue with AP mines to begin with.


Useful, yes, but I have seen many guys run right over them while exploding, then casually shoot me because it didn’t effect them like a real AP mine would. :rofl: At the very least it should have incapacitated the dude for several seconds. I have run through several, in fact I think I have even posted once that on one occasion, my dude ran through three AP mines, and did not die, in fact they were minor hiccups on my journey through a building. If your sprinting, you don’t die very often when stepping on an AP mine from my experience. Yes, i still die from them, but not near as many as I used to, and to be honest, when they were full strength, I was unfortunate only once or twice every few games, not much at all since I anticipated them and took alternative routes.


they need to nerf guns in general, i keep getting shot by them, its so unfair


Maybe one way another is not too nerfing its dmg to almost inconsistency useless like what it is rn but make a crouching animation to deploy so it takes times and can’t be much spammable. Currently, we can just walking around, placing it like scattering flowers on the floor which doesn’t make much sense, standing up right and AP mine just being telephonically placed on the surface.


Is there any chance of all White US uniforms in the Bulge maps

The mortar grenades are bugged. They fly sideways out of the mortar.



Grenade launchers were balanced and were only limited to riflemen and AT gunners, so shouldn’t have been nerfed. In addition, most grenade launchers are bolt-actions which also balances it out further. Now the BR3 meta will only be semi-autos which will be boring



Issue forwarded to developers !

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just need them to add blank round animation and its gtg, current gameplay is too spammable

i used grenade launchers on my AT gunners even at br5 just to give them some extra munitions to fire at tanks, now since they are nerfed i will just give everybody fg42s and hei auto rifles, i love darkflow reducing the diversity of weapons :3


Wow. That’s rich. This reminds me of another asymmetrical feature like location markers that appear only above teammates but not above enemies. Or another - your bullets hurting enemies but dealing no damage to the allies. Welcome to arcade mode.


I can’t believe this level of absurd used in an argument

Man, this game gives you special high volume of enemy footsteps, it is so loud and recognizable it feels like using cheats.
But if you use mines for locating enemies, congratulations. Hey, let’s use sniper bullets for enemy location, you know, enemy loses 1% HP from a headshot (because of a justified damage nerf) so you can find the blood splatter which clearly confirms his location and finish him off with an axe. That’s your logic. Hit a guy with a weapon to locate him and hit him with a different weapon.

The reload animation for the M1A1 Carbine and M1911A1 is wrong. Can you forward this too please?

Browning Hi Power, Walther P38, Luger P08 too IIRC, and I think there’re more.

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Limitid to engineer and ATgunners only, otherwise you still have 9 multiplied 3 multiplied 2 totally 54 riflegrenades for a riflemen squad, witch is still worse than OMA in CODMW2(2009).

Now Darkflew only take danger close and fast hand away from noob tube, there is still a lot of ammo for it, I believe rifle grenade will still be toxic but slightly less toxic than before. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

For HA lovers: it’s better for us to see germansm’s para in normandy than italian .

They should do the same for all squads : according to the battelfield , historical uniform when it’s possible and “classic/common” uniform for the battelfield where this units never goes.
(Like chinese, marocan, wolkstrum, etc.)

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