Testing the next update (August 26)

It was not touched besides it’s classification being changed


well that is not rmn 50 specific change.

To be honest, it doesn’t look that bad.
I wonder how it feels.

What do you mean? AVT still has higher damage than FG-42, come on. Plus it has a bayonet. FG-42 still remains the least powerful tier V rifle of all nations, the standard variant still has high dispersion too


That’s collisions, so grenade launchers shouldn’t be able to kill any tank by poking the barrel in them
And Ho-Ri should be fixed so that it stops dying to bazookas frontally


Please if possible, report such issues if you note that is a ai tank driver stuck on our issues site so we can forward it to developers to be fixed.

Feel free to do so and share the link on a pm with me or any alpha
Or, just talk directly on pm with prints taken from game printscreen key, unedited, from enlisted install folder, it does help us investigate the issues.

As always, clog file, a replay, prints, or a brief explanation of how the issue is reproduced will help us tremendously in getting it fixed.
Any question on how to find such files, feel free to ask

Thank you.


Baby steps


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aw well my time for trolling with it is over

Is this “minor update” already on?

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As a suggestion, they should make the Japanese paratroopers have changeable weapons so we can use in BR2 as MANY new players wont have the event paratroopers. It will also make it more enticing for anyone who wants to buy them.
Thanks for reading! (If you guys read it lol)


[quote=“Leandrokh, post:312, topic:148519, full:true”]
Is this “minor update” already on?
[/quotI: I wish, all I know is that the new battle pass is Tomorrow(the 28th). I wish they had it ready…

Some said that the G43 Kurz getting full-auto mode replace the burst mode was a “buff”. Well, here it clearly shows that it is indeed a nerf. Thanks for the comparison.


have they solved the problem of textures disappearing in directx 12??? if anyone noticed

so you cant drive the apc once you choose to spawn without it? at least that what seem to happen when i tried it. welp that fine tbh

welp since this is lock now no i spawn in as the apc squad and it wont work so yea

Yeah, looks that way. Only an APC squad member can drive it. It doesn’t have to be the designated driver though, so that helps somewhat. As long as you survive long enough to get back to it to move it.

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Its already a two hit kill anyways. Which is insane dps up close considering the rate of fire.

Well new G43K looks to be much easier to controll tho. So yeah, less dps, less coolness but potentially much more accurate.

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Yes, but 6.8 is not 7.0 :stuck_out_tongue:

True ofc, however the 7 dmg isnt standard to begin with, it was done to give a bit of a reason to use it over other SMGs. 6.8 is regular dmg for those guns.

It should be standard for German Smgs