Testing the next update (August 26)

In reality, FG42-1 has 900 RPM, FG42-2 has 600 RPM. :thinking:


you could do better
the version of the fedorov in game is the 1923 version
so not ww1:p


hilarious - I like it

also remove the ability of Japanese soldiers to use their guns, they have to bayonet charge or commit suicide.

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Thanks for the Kurz change its now a functional rifle and not some gimmick burst shooter that had magazine issues.

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I mean the G.55 still has insane maneuverability. I feel the K-4 will end up as more of a ground attacker(30mm was already good, now it has a bomb) while the G.55 will end up as a CAP fighter(insane maneuverability)

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can we get historical change to m1 and m9 bazooka?

m1 bazooka had 80mm pen

here is document from m6a3 testing which show 5 inch penetration (127mm)

m6a3 is in line with m6a5 rocket which has penetration


You could say the ammunition is different though, federov is using the early type 30 rounded arisaka 6.5mm round
While type hei auto would presumably use the pointy spitzer round, which have better ballistics and damage than the early version


I have 4 and I’m glad it’s going to full auto.


When will it be released officialy?

No seriously do it

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I have 4 and I’m very dissatisfied they’re retrospectively changing GO weapons yet again.


can yall shut up about historical accuracy?
Enlisted is not a milsim
Its not supposed to be
by that logic every match should be played on hardcore mode and there should be no score board

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Just wait till it gets classified as an assault weapon.


I would guess that they need to fix(modified) kurz because they want use alternative version for some future premium squad and the players could ask why premium doesnt have burst as GO one.

How simply it can be :smiley:

Bayonets, plus 13.2 base damage. For now, none of my soldiers carries any FG-42, I tried to fight with it but it can never outperform ZH-29. The one-shot kill ability is much more precious than 10 extra rounds and full auto.

I dont really understand why there is this drop in damage as we progress - first there is G41 with 12 DMG on tier III, then G43 with 12.7 DMG on tier IV, then ZH-29 with 13.2 on tier V. Consequently, the FG-42 family should have 13.2 DMG, being tier V and using the same ammo (not to mention that AVS-36 actually has 13.2) - i see it absurd that is comes back to 12 DMG again like it was some tier III garbage


On the test server , the recoil of the t20, FG 42 II , and the AVT seem to be greatly reduced. These 3 weapons are incredibly accurate now, is this intended or just a bug ?

I have 2 and they will be just a boring mkb42 equivalent but for everyone and with different skin now nothing unique about that gun. And Breda PG (CR) is too inaccurate to replace it. Maybe they could buff that Breda since you can’t hit anything with half of your bullets and rof is also very low.


Intended, and it should have been reduced a long time ago. All these weapons have massive muzzle breaks that effectively reduced recoil, unlike the earlier guns like G43 or Garand.

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DF deciding if a weapon will be historical or not:
(Made for entertainment purposes)


I have one and I always found the 3-round burst to be an ammo-waster. I want to be able to shoot 2 rounds at a time, considering the damage value it has.

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