Temporary unavailability of the secondary weapon slot for premium squads

That’s happened here more than once, which is why my wife did that.
I dont care if I could sue for millions, I want my good leg still please.

Yup. I was just starting to have fun with it too.
Thankfully I had weapons in reserve and I didn’t waste silvers equipping my old squads. I had even pulled a few out of retirement finally to play again.

Just give us some options for the old ones and let us add a troop or two.

Or as an alternate, let us take the weapons off them and make our own squads.


You never played Kenshi.


I did!

Katanas, cyborgs, cannibals in the desert. A really fun if weird squad game.

Hey, at least this time Japan dominates the space and not Anglos.

I don’t know… the cannibals don’t look Japanese to me :laughing:

The religious zealot faction might really be English as well! :zipper_mouth_face:

I thoguht more about these katana, ninja, strawhat stuff.

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old squads go back into the trash bin.
That feature gave underperforming 4 men, no engineer squads a second life.

The MP 18 squad for example or the M3 Creasgun squad, you nerf them by removing the big backpack, and gain little to let them have a secondary, and Tunisia motorcycle squads ALWAYS had both backpacks AND secondary unlocked and no one did complain, and it was all fine.

You rune more than you actually try to improve, sh* update and a sh* move to choose between the second slot and the backpack!

Worthless Worthless


WE NOT Like your update anymore, :face_vomiting: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

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I completely disagree with this change. Removing secondaries from the premium Tunisia motorcycles, premium tankers, and pilots is a totally unnecessary nerf that no one was asking for. This was a nice perk for squads that are often rather lackluster and small perks like this helped justify the asking price of several full priced squads I’ve to this point been willing to shell out for.

Furthermore, as has been said by others here, letting squads with low utility (no engineers) take weapons of the same class in the primary slot as well as backpacks gave them the flexibility to be placed in a line up even after reaching the top unlocks of a given campaign.

I suppose the devs are sensitive to P2W accusations but speaking as a whale with most of the games premiums in my roster the vast majority of these squads range from underwhelming to entirely impotent (such as the Tunisia cannon CAS squads I probably shouldn’t have purchased. So the development team fixed the armor piercing ability of the NS-37, but not the NS-45 or other cannons).

If these changes are final I would like to see either engineers added to old 4 man squads or some kind of premium exception to the fixed amount of lineup slots so that I can still use MP-18s or Sten Mk 3s without having to take actually useful squads out of my line up. Otherwise they will just gather dust in the reserve and be a rather shameful waste of money, in hindsight. I’d like to continue supporting the game but my lineups are getting rather crowded.


I can’t imagine this decision making them money, I was looking at buying three premium squads with this change in effect, since it has been reverted I’m now definitely not buying them.


I ques we have an answer on why they make these bad decisions:
Whole development team be like Me edging my aneurysm - YouTube