Temporarily available: Unique premium squads for the USSR and USA

dont buy it and expect it to go above and beyond, its a br2 semi auto

you’re legitimately better off taking the best bolt action instead of the worst semi auto

but if you want to collect it, go ahead

Tempest is literally the best allied fighter of the game, bar none. Only thing able to dogfight a g10 or 14 (unless you take the slow but highly maneuverable Spitfire).

Plus… 2x 500lb.

Best one to get here.


You forgot to mention the superb aesthetic that manages to look both sleek and brutal at the same time.


I m serious surprised no one talked about tempest.

Since the Hispanos got fixed, the plane is just pure gold.

But yeah, since I also own sks, it’s a nice rifle, and since I don’t meta 24/7 and I don’t go crazy on a +0.01 dispersion Stat that changes 0 to my gameplay I m still surprised people talking about sks dispersion. Maybe I m always where the action is, and not targeting guys a gazillion miles away that dispersion is the last thing I even consider… Most times I’m fighting few meters away… But ye…

It’s a fun rifle, but one must change the way to approach the battlefield while using it.isnt a avs or a avt, but still, a amazing tier 2 rifle to play with now and then.


The tempest is quite sexy, the english were unrivaled in beautiful late war aircraft, that were equally deadly.

HOLY HELL! These shits are expensive!!!

Cos that bad boy is already number one in my high BR deck :stuck_out_tongue:


Mine as well, but I’m surprised about others. I recall many ppl were jelly when we spoke about it, being sad they missed it.

Now it’s made it’s return, it’s ignored? :thinking:


Might be the Hefty Price tag (we got it for half price :slight_smile: )…that and that most have eyes only for the P-47

Fighter Pilots are certainly less common :slight_smile:

One day, when we can choose our ordnance!!



The pilot has terrible perk points though.

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I’m surprised that no one is taking about the UD M42. It was recently moved down to BR 2 from BR 3 and it’s really powerful.


yeah it is…for me I just have that many event and premium BR 2 assault squads. I just dont want another (as I find it the least interesting Archtype, Unless its my event SAS or Silenced Mp40s)

That’s why I have 3 seperate BR2 presets for US lmao.

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I currently only have 2. Marines and Commonwealth.

mainly only play the commonwealth soo…lol

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Honestly in terms of performance, I’d say that it’s better than most BR 2 allied premium/event squads.

it probably is, certainly felt pretty good in the testing. But Im perfectly happy with my Silenced Sten, Lanchester, Welgun, Thomson USMC. Any gain for me personally would be so minor, I doubt it would be noticeable.

(I dont want more than 2 assault squads in any line up anywar, preferably one lol) More of a collectors item to me.

true… I’m sad it’s 1 yellow point short of being able to get the distance perk…

as for udm42, it’s fantastic.

As a comparison, I’d say it’s similar to the sovs ppk42. With absurd unrealistically fast reload speed. Good stuff.

probably better than simply ANY allies smg at br 2 :stuck_out_tongue:


Damn 3 presets for br2 on us?

Jesus xD

Why though?

Split the MM population again. (more queues)