Temporarily available: Tokarev’s Legacy

No thanks i would rather use pistol than their crappy weapon that can’t hit anything due insane dispersion and recoil.


Yeah, these prices are getting ridiculous. I can buy a complete video game or two for that price, not just a squad :rofl:. I would rather DF spend their time fixing the horrible match making then trying to push overpriced squads at us. If they’re going to be spending their time making new squads, then they should have more then 5 men, and be priced so the average Joe can justify buying it. I’ll pass…What did they peddle last week, the 1918 Browning level 3 squad with 5 men for what, 3,500 gold? Again, not worth it since it is the baseline Browning, comes with ONLY 5 squad members, and you can buy two other “BETTER” Browning’s at the level 3 tech tree for free. Plus you get a bigger squad “all free” through the tech tree. The only way that would have been a deal is if it were under 2,500 gold and was a level 2 squad. Why on earth would ANYONE buy that squad, especially ANOTHER BROWNING at level 3? The level 2 Thompson squad, I gave a thumbs up because it made sense, but they should have been a bigger squad and it could have been a little cheaper. I really have to question the business sense of these people. :rofl: I managed a car dealership for 15 years, and if I had managed it like DF manages this game, I would have been shit canned by the owner within a year. :joy:


Any news today ?

About the update ?

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Not that good. Good for new players to grind faster. Squad has no engi so :-1:

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Could there be one at 1:30 UTC? I don’t exactly know the precise time when they do these updates.

Akt40 owner here
Gun is shit, recoil is horrible but works very well when prone. Get maxed crawling perk with riflesquad and ur AI will rack up mad kills when on the ground, which works well in flat Berlin.

Their real power is insane 28 weapon handling. U can max out both vertical and horizontal recoil control and equip AVT40/Gorov secondary weapon and just use that as a primary.

So theyre basically phenomenal AVT 40 riflemen with ok heavy SMG for close quarter battle (AKT40)

I actually run them in my 3x riflemen Soviet 5 lineup like that, with team leader running RNM50 for the hand cannon cancer


Go prone with em, max out cralling perk and watch ur AI get 10 kills easy

Otherwise AVT40 secondary as written above

So basically a BR4 AVT with worse recoil and 5 less rounds.

I like it, this opens up the possibility for more selectfire or weak asssault rifles at BR4

( hoping for a 10 round FG42 )

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no, br4 and br5 needs to be separated because semi auto rifles like the svt 40 and g43 are completely outclassed and made useless by the fg42 and avt 40

br 1-2 would be the bolt action tier, br 3-4 would be the semi auto tier, br5 would be the headache inducing assault rifle and battle rifle spam tier (br6 could also be added with stupid tanks like the maus and jet planes like the me262 and comet but i digress, this isnt about br6)

if you have a better idea on how to incorporate self loading rifles into the br5 meta then do tell me


No, semis needs to completely rebalanced instead. And the only proper way how to do MM is either ±1 MM or ±0 MM.

Pseudo queues like 1/2, 3/4, 5 would only relocate issue from one place to another place.



As I said, top tier gear would move to 6. That means only gear at BR 5 would match with it.

so what would stay in old br5?

Tiger 1, T-34/85, AVS, maybe first pattern FG-42, SMGs, etc.

Or just give them back their original RoF.


I’m starting to get afraid ppl don’t understand when they call for 1-2 , 3-4, 5. It would just kill br 3 to resuscitate br 4, without changing anything.

+/-0, or +/-1 so that no br is uptiered or downtiered or almost.

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if br 3 - 4 was its own queue, it would be the exact same as br 1 - 2 right now. The current matchmaking kills br1

I don’t know what their original rof was. But you are right that their rof should be increased, but definitely capped at some point.

Why? Because of macro users. It’s that simple.

I also dont remember it but Keo almost got shredded in the replies of the announcement.

I took it in the past because I could and it was on sale. With the merge the squad became obsolete imho.
I use it sometimes just for chill and fun reasons but would never consider it in my high end setups.