Sorry that I assumed you were reasonable, but let me explain, a lot of the suggestions seem to be splitting matchmaking (what the update is trying to stop) and uhhh… keeping the squads loadouts we have now but with no ability to choose campaign you get sent to? I mean correct me if I’m wrong but wouldn’t that completely get rid of control over what you play entirely? With a battle rating and tier system this new proposed MM will have you can select what you want to play and get put into a match with equal opponents, seems like a no-brainer that people should support this.
It is not, sending HA players to Custom Games is splitting the matchmaking. Adding a Historical Queue and a Arcade Queue per nation would provide no net change from the original proposal and would make both groups happy (unless they simply dislike HA players and in fact DO care).
You already don’t get that choice with the update. All maps are in the same pool. If you don’t like Quarry, don’t worry, you’ll have Quarry with Stalingrad and Berlin equipment. The whole loadout selection works of the update premise. Map is decided in queuing, loadout during loading screen.
Correct, the devs combining all the campaigns and maps into nation pools means that you can get Berlin and Stalingrad maps if you prefer Moscow, and with Germany, you got Tunisia, Normandy, Berlin, Stalingrad, and Moscow they can force you into.
Proposed HA loadout system allows for selection for weapons. No one wants preset bullshit from the devs. It’s not impossible to make BR system work with HA loadout system.
Yeah but if I want to play with my StG-44 I’ll equip my StG-44 to my squads and get put into a map and I don’t care if it’s Moscow, Tunisia, or California, but with that “you can’t choose campaign but get loadouts based on the map” is terrible for that reason
Which is why we don’t need a historically accurate loadout system, which is what I’ve been trying to say.
So you can be put in either Normandy or Berlin maps. Why do you NEED to be on Stalingrad, Tunisia, and Moscow maps with a StG? You can’t be telling me that if you can’t get an StG in any of those three areas, that you’d quit the game.
I don’t understand how what I said there makes the system unnecessary.
What if I equip one squad with an MP41’s or MG30’s along with my StG-44 squad? What map would I get then, or would you just want to completely block some combinations of weapons in a line-up? I don’t “need” to be on those maps, but I would like to use some of my weapons and squads from this campaign with my squads from this other campaign. Would it really be too far fetched to see an MP38 or MP28 instead of an MP40 in Berlin?
Sounds like the current game situation.
I sont get your bash against WT since the devs are more or less copy+pasting the mm and tech tree system into Enlisted.
Its still splitting up.
I guess it will be splitting 10-30 percent of the playerbase should they actually decide they don’t like the new system and would rather play custom battles.
Do you think a BR doesnt split in general?
Guess WT teached us wrong,
In the proposed change they will try and match you with equal gear but says you might get matched with stuff a few tiers higher if no opponents are found, so it isn’t going to be completely split which may screw up balance, however it seems like a solid idea.
This would mean that all sides have equal players… which we dont, especially Western Allies and early and mid Axis beyond Tunisia.
You would still have the same squad lineup, but you would make multiple loadouts for these squads to fit settings. You can have set up where StG appears in Normandy and Berlin, MkB show up in Stalingrad and Tunisia, and MP40 in Moscow, if those are the weapons you like. The loadout only applies after the map is selected, it does not limit what maps you would get.
No, you don’t have to put late war gear on a Berlin or Normandy loadout, you just can’t put late war gear on a Moscow, Tunisia, or Stalingrad loadout.
Same with mid-war gear. You can put early war stuff on Stalingrad or Tunisia, but you can’t put late war stuff on Stalingrad or Tunisia.
Seems like we’ve went full circle back to the random campaign system with separate loadouts for each map, really the best way to do this in my opinion wouldn’t be loadouts for each map, but being matched to a map of the most modern weapon you have equipped however that would also sadly demolish balance in the case of the VG-2 and MP 3008, leaving them in a somewhat bad place.