When I tried to research and buy a new tank, I got this…
Apparently, you would have to research and buy all the previous weapons in that branch. You cannot pick up where you have left off, even if you have made some progress on that one already.
I hope this can be changed. Let the player continue researching weapons next to the unlocked ones without researching all the previous ones.
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Another thing in the tech tree. This could be a bug.
I have unlocked the plane already, but it asks me to buy it again with silver.
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I have console so I have not been able to try out the new update on the server. With that being said you are one out of three people I have seen with this issue. I hope it is resolved. I’d HATE to lose my stuff if it was supposed to be this way.
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The progress transfer definitely needs some rework. The same plane might be used by 2 different squads and cause this to happen.
But this one just makes me speechless…
I unlocked everything in Tunisia allies. Now I need to research the default tank that comes with Tunisia.
W T F ?
same issue for the Berlin campaign
And the opposite happened for the Pacific. I never unlocked the M1C and Johnson LMG, but they became available in the test server
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It would also be nice to refund the exp/research points for the same weapon unlocked in different campaigns. E.g. if I have M1 bazooka researched on both Pacific and Normandy, I should get refund for one of them and used the points to unlock other weapons.
ok so it actually work like this if you unlock enough weapon in the tier you can start research the next tier so for example i have finish most of my tier 3 so i can search some tier 4 stuff BUT if the yellow bar at the tier arent full then i cant research the next tier at all
note: progress seem to not happen at all on test server so yea
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yea i kinda agree on this and i would love it if they make all the excess amount of xp the squad have convert to research point since i have a lot of those in multiple squad
All the bars are full as you can see in my previous screenshots. I’m hoping this would only be a problem on the test server.
I think if you want to get high tier tanks you would still need to unlock all the previous tanks (excluding the ones in the folder), but you can skip any other weapons like planes, AT guns, etc. in the previous tier, as long as the tier bar is full.
yea that pretty much the system i guess it there so you cant just rush only 1 line of weapon like rifle only for example
the weapon locked/unlocked issue is because they swapped guns from different squads, and some of them were left not researched even if you had it before. happened with the johnson lmg and the browning 1919 in my case, for example, or the new germany squad that has mp43 and stg in its research.
this gives strange artifacts like having max level stgs already upgraded, but cant upgrade the lower ones cause it doesnt count as researched in its squad.
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They have effectively destroyed the game with this new rewrite. Honestly, if the game functioned like the new update when I first saw this game I never would have invested time and money in the game, grinding most campaigns to max. They had a good historical game here with separate campaigns, progressions, battles and armies. It worked just fine. Also, it looks like the conversion dropped a lot of weapons, canteens, binoculars with the conversion. Will take a bit to get an idea of just how bad the missing items issue is. Pay attention to the details folks, a lot of things are missing and they will have to fix that. As a gold player I tried to support the game as they don’t work for free but sadly they have seen my last dollar with these changes. Too bad I really liked this game.
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It seems any first or default unlocks got crapped(just my observation
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Dude I know man, I’m in the same boat as you. I haven’t even been able to try to test server because I’m on console but seeing everyone’s YT videos and posts, I can already see the crash up headed. I’m strapped in with my seatbelt on, but I don’t think it’s going to be good. The whole idea of having different “campaigns” because you’re a different tier means that you’ll never get to play a rotation of maps or places because you use
1 “tier V” item or vehicle. Makes no sense.
i mean 1 tier 4 weapon like stg can kill multiple tier 1 rifle guy so it kinda make sense but yea it would be pretty unfair
I’ve noticed it too, and that sucks big time
I don’t know the twisted logic behind it.
I’m also pretty sure I’ve read a devblog stating something along the lines of “So you can research the weapons you want and skip the ones you don’t” which doesn’t seem to reflect this in game, and not true at all because you still need to grind all the way up if you want tier V guns…
As you said, hopefully it’s just for testing
And if it’s not, DEVS please fix this, i dont need any more crap smgs in my already extensive pile of scrap
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